SB 1.7.55 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 55
Arjuna sahasa ajnaya harer harddam atha asina Manim jahara murdhnyam dwijasya saha murdhajam.
Arjuna—of the name, Sahasa—just at that time, Ajnaya—knowing it, Harer—of the Lord, Atha—thus, Asina—by the sword, Manim—the jewel, Jahara—separated, Murdhnyam—on the head, Dwijasya—of the twiceborn, Saha—with, Murdhajam—hairs.
Arjuna just at that time could understand the motive of the Lord by His equivocal orders and thus he with his sword separated the jewel on the head of Aswathama along with the hairs.
Contradictory opinions of different persons were impossible to be carried on. Therefore the via media way was selected by Arjuna by his sharp intelligence and he separated the jewel from the head of Aswathama which action is as good as to cut off his head and yet his life was saved for all practical purpose. Here Aswathama is indicated as the twice born. Certainly he was twice born but he fell down from his position and therefore he was properly punished.