SB 1.7.56 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 56
Vimuchya rasanabaddham balahatya hataprabham Tejasa manina hinam sibirat niryapayat.
Vimuchya—after getting him released, rasanabaddham—from the bondage of ropes, Balahatya—infanticide, Hataprabham—lost of lustre of the body, Tejasa—of the strength of, Manina—by the jewel, Hina—being deprived of, Sibirat—from the camp, Niryapayat—drove him out.
He was already lost of all bodily lustre on account of his infanticidal action; over and above he became by far less strengthened being deprived of the jewel on the head and thus being released from the bondage of ropes he was driven out of the camp.
Thus being insulted humiliated Aswathama was simultaneously killed and not killed by the intelligence of Lord Krishna and Arjuna.