Teachings of Lord Kapila, the Son of Devahuti

(click to read a PDF of the 1977 edition)
1. The Purpose of Lord Kapila's Advent
2. The Transcendental Matter and Supreme Yogī
3. How to Understand the Lord's Activities
4. Approaching a Bona Fide Guru
5. Lord Kapila Takes Charge of His Mother, Devahūti
6. Devahūti Desires Transcendental Knowledge
7. Lord Kapila Begins to Explain Self-realization
8. Bhakti-yoga: The Supreme Yoga System
9. Purifying the Mind for Self-realization
10. Spiritual Attachment and Material Detachment
12. Association with the Supreme Lord Through Hearing
13. Perfect Knowledge Through Surrender
14. Bhakti as Ultimate Liberation
15. Meditation on the Lord's Transcendental Form
16. The Pure Devotees' Spiritual Opulences
17. Taking Shelter of Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Controller
18. Devotional Service: The Final Perfection
(footnote: based on a unique series of lectures presented in Bombay, India. Lord Kapila's teachings are found in Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam chapters 25 through 33
see also: Kapiladeva at Vaniquotes)