SB 1.7.53-54 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXTS No.'s 53-54
Sri Bhagwan Uvacha- Brahmabandhur na hantabya atatayee badharhanha Maya eva ubhayam amnatam pari pahi anusasanam Kuru pratisrutam satyam yat tat santwayatam priyam Priyam cha bheemasensya panchalya mahyam eva cha.
Sri Bhagwan—the personality of Godhead, Uvacha—said, Brahmabandhu—the relative of a Brahmin, Na—not, Hantyabya—to be killed, Atatayee—the aggressor, Badharhanam—is due to be killed, Maya—by me, Eva—certainly, Ubhayam—both, Amnatam—described according to rulings of the authority, Paripahi—just carry out, Anwasanam—rulings, Kuru—just abide by, Pratisrutam—as promised by, Satyam—truth, Yattat—that which, Santwayatam—while pacifying, Priyam—dear wife, Priyam—satifaction, Cha—also, Bheemasenasya—of Sri Bheemasena, Panchalya—of Draupadi, Mahyam—unto Me also, Eva—certainly.
The Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna said "A friend of a Brahmin is not to be killed but if he is an aggressor he must be killed. All these rulings are there in the scriptures and you have to do things accordingly. You have also to fulfil your promise what you have had made to your dear wife as well as you have to do things to the satisfaction of Bheemasena as well as mine.
Perplexity of Arjuna was there because the same man namely Aswatthama was the object of being killed as well as not to be killed according to different rulings of the scriptures cited by different persons. As Brahmabandhu or worthless son of a Brahmin, Aswatthama was not to be killed but he was at the same time an aggressor also. And according to the rulings of Manu an aggressor even though he is a Brahmin and what to say about the unworthy son of a Brahmin, he is to be killed. Dronacharya was certainly a Brahmin in the true sense of the term but still because he stood against in the battlefield he was killed. But here in the case of Aswatthama although he was an aggressor at the present moment in front of Droupadi etc he stands without any fighting weapons and therefore the ruling is that an aggressor when he is without weapon or chariot he cannot be killed. All these were certainly perplexities. Besides that Arjuna had to keep his promise what he had made before Droupadi just to pacify her. As well as he had to satisfy both Bheema and Krishna who advised to kill him. This dilemma was present before Arjuna and the hint for solution was awarded by Krishna.