SB 9.16.37
- evaṁ kauśika-gotraṁ tu
- viśvāmitraiḥ pṛthag-vidham
- pravarāntaram āpannaṁ
- tad dhi caivaṁ prakalpitam
evam — in this way (some sons having been cursed and some blessed); kauśika-gotram — the dynasty of Kauśika; tu — indeed; viśvāmitraiḥ — by the sons of Viśvāmitra; pṛthak-vidham — in different varieties; pravara-antaram — differences between one another; āpannam — obtained; tat — that; hi — indeed; ca — also; evam — thus; prakalpitam — ascertained.
Viśvāmitra cursed some of his sons and blessed the others, and he also adopted a son. Thus there were varieties in the Kauśika dynasty, but among all the sons, Devarāta was considered the eldest.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Ninth Canto, Sixteenth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled "Lord Paraśurāma Destroys the World's Ruling Class."