SB 9.17.1-3
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- śrī-bādarāyaṇir uvāca
- yaḥ purūravasaḥ putra
- āyus tasyābhavan sutāḥ
- nahuṣaḥ kṣatravṛddhaś ca
- rajī rābhaś ca vīryavān
- anenā iti rājendra
- śṛṇu kṣatravṛdho 'nvayam
- kṣatravṛddha-sutasyāsan
- suhotrasyātmajās trayaḥ
- kāśyaḥ kuśo gṛtsamada
- iti gṛtsamadād abhūt
- śunakaḥ śaunako yasya
- bahvṛca-pravaro muniḥ
śrī-bādarāyaṇiḥ uvāca — Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī said; yaḥ — one who; purūravasaḥ — of Purūravā; putraḥ — son; āyuḥ — his name was Āyu; tasya — of him; abhavan — there were; sutāḥ — sons; nahuṣaḥ — Nahuṣa; kṣatravṛddhaḥ ca — and Kṣatravṛddha; rajī — Rajī; rābhaḥ — Rābha; ca — also; vīryavān — very powerful; anenāḥ — Anenā; iti — thus; rāja-indra — O Mahārāja Parīkṣit; śṛṇu — just hear from me; kṣatravṛdhaḥ — of Kṣatravṛddha; anvayam — the dynasty; kṣatravṛddha — of Kṣatravṛddha; sutasya — of the son; āsan — there were; suhotrasya — of Suhotra; ātmajāḥ — sons; trayaḥ — three; kāśyaḥ — Kāśya; kuśaḥ — Kuśa; gṛtsamadaḥ — Gṛtsamada; iti — thus; gṛtsamadāt — from Gṛtsamada; abhūt — there was; śunakaḥ — Śunaka; śaunakaḥ — Śaunaka; yasya — of whom (Śunaka); bahu-ṛca-pravaraḥ — the best of those conversant with the Ṛg Veda; muniḥ — a great saintly person.
Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: From Purūravā came a son named Āyu, whose very powerful sons were Nahuṣa, Kṣatravṛddha, Rajī, Rābha and Anenā. O Mahārāja Parīkṣit, now hear about the dynasty of Kṣatravṛddha. Kṣatravṛddha's son was Suhotra, who had three sons, named Kāśya, Kuśa and Gṛtsamada. From Gṛtsamada came Śunaka, and from him came Śaunaka, the great saint, the best of those conversant with the Ṛg Veda.