SB 4.3.1
- maitreya uvāca
- sadā vidviṣator evaṁ
- kālo vai dhriyamāṇayoḥ
- jāmātuḥ śvaśurasyāpi
- sumahān aticakrame
maitreyaḥ uvāca — Maitreya said; sadā — constantly; vidviṣatoḥ — the tension; evam — in this manner; kālaḥ — time; vai — certainly; dhriyamāṇayoḥ — continued to bear; jāmātuḥ — of the son-in-law; śvaśurasya — of the father-in-law; api — even; su-mahān — a very great; aticakrame — passed.
Maitreya continued: In this manner the tension between the father-in-law and son-in-law, Dakṣa and Lord Śiva, continued for a considerably long period.
The previous chapter has already explained that Vidura questioned the sage Maitreya as to the cause of the misunderstanding between Lord Śiva and Dakṣa. Another question is why the strife between Dakṣa and his son-in-law caused Sati to destroy her body. The chief reason for Satī's giving up her body was that her father, Dakṣa, began another sacrificial performance, to which Lord Śiva was not invited at all. Generally, when any sacrifice is performed, although each and every sacrifice is intended to pacify the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Viṣṇu, all the demigods, especially Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva and the other principal demigods, such as Indra and Candra, are invited, and they take part. It is said that unless all the demigods are present, no sacrifice is complete. But in the tension between the father-in-law and son-in-law, Dakṣa began another yajña performance, to which Lord Śiva was not invited. Dakṣa was the chief progenitor employed by Lord Brahmā, and he was a son of Brahmā, so he had a high position and was also very proud.