SB 10.78.37
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
- kiṁ vaḥ kāmo muni-śreṣṭhā
- brūtāhaṁ karavāṇy atha
- ajānatas tv apacitiṁ
- yathā me cintyatāṁ budhāḥ
kim — what; vaḥ — your; kāmaḥ — desire; muni — of sages; śreṣṭhāḥ — O best; brūta — please say; aham — I; karavāṇi — shall do it; atha — and then; ajānataḥ — who does not know; tu — indeed; apacitim — the atonement; yathā — properly; me — for Me; cintyatām — please think of; budhāḥ — O intelligent ones.
Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
Please tell Me your desire, O best of sages, and I shall certainly fulfill it. And, O wise souls, please carefully determine My proper atonement, since I do not know what it might be.
Lord Balarāma here sets a perfect example for people in general by humbly submitting Himself before the qualified brāhmaṇas.