SB 10.68.50-51
Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
TEXTS 50-51
- duryodhanaḥ pāribarhaṁ
- kuñjarān ṣaṣṭi-hāyanān
- dadau ca dvādaśa-śatāny
- ayutāni turaṅgamān
- rathānāṁ ṣaṭ-sahasrāṇi
- raukmāṇāṁ sūrya-varcasām
- dāsīnāṁ niṣka-kaṇṭhīnāṁ
- sahasraṁ duhitṛ-vatsalaḥ
duryodhanaḥ — Duryodhana; pāribarham — as a dowry; kuñjarān — elephants; ṣaṣṭi — sixty; hāyanān — years old; dadau — gave; ca — and; dvādaśa — twelve; śatāni — hundred; ayutāni — tens of thousands; turaṅgamān — horses; rathānām — of chariots; ṣaṭ-sahasrāṇi — six thousand; raukmāṇām — golden; sūrya — (like) the sun; varcasām — whose effulgence; dāsīnām — of maidservants; niṣka — jeweled lockets; kaṇṭthīnām — on whose throats; sahasram — one thousand; duhitṛ — for his daughter; vatsalaḥ — having fatherly affection.
Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
Duryodhana, being very affectionate to his daughter, gave as her dowry 1,200 sixty-year-old elephants, 120,000 horses, 6,000 golden chariots shining like the sun, and 1,000 maidservants with jeweled lockets on their necks.