SB 10.65.24-25
(Redirected from SB 10.65.25)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
TEXTS 24-25
- sragvy eka-kuṇḍalo matto
- vaijayantyā ca mālayā
- bibhrat smita-mukhāmbhojaṁ
- sveda-prāleya-bhūṣitam
- sa ājuhāva yamunāṁ
- jala-krīḍārtham īśvaraḥ
- nijaṁ vākyam anādṛtya
- matta ity āpagāṁ balaḥ
- anāgatāṁ halāgreṇa
- kupito vicakarṣa ha
srak-vī — having a garland; eka — with one; kuṇḍalaḥ — earring; mattaḥ — intoxicated with joy; vaijayantyā — named Vaijayantī; ca — and; mālayā — with the garland; bibhrat — displaying; smita — smiling; mukha — His face; ambhojam — lotuslike; sveda — of perspiration; prāleya — with the snow; bhūṣitam — decorated; saḥ — He; ājuhāva — called for; yamunām — the Yamunā River; jala — in the water; kṛīḍā — of playing; artham — for the purpose; īśvaraḥ — the Supreme Lord; nijam — His; vākyam — words; anādṛtya — disregarding; mattaḥ — intoxicated; iti — thus (thinking); āpa-gām — the river; balaḥ — Lord Balarāma; anāgatām — who did not come; hala — of His plow weapon; agreṇa — with the tip; kupitaḥ — angry; vicakarṣa ha — He dragged.
Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
Intoxicated with joy, Lord Balarāma sported flower garlands, including the famous Vaijayantī. He wore a single earring, and beads of perspiration decorated His smiling lotus face like snowflakes. The Lord then summoned the Yamunā River so that He could play in her waters, but she disregarded His command, thinking He was drunk. This angered Balarāma, and He began dragging the river with the tip of His plow.