SB 1.8.16 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 16
Ma mangstha hi etad ascharyam sarva ascharyamayay achyute Ya idam mayaya devya srijati avatyati hanti ajah,
Ma—do not, Mangstha—think it, Hi—certainly, Etad—all these, Ascharyam—wonderful, Sarva—all, Ascharyamoyay—in the all mysterious; Achyute—the infallible, Na—one who, Idam—this, (creation) Mayaya—by His energy, Devya—transcendental, Srijati—creates, Avatyati—maintains, Hanti—annihilates, Ajah—unborn.
Oh Brahmins do not think it wonderful in the activities of the mysterious one infallible Personality of Godhead. It is so because He by His own transcendental energy, although He Himself unborn creates, maintains and annihilates all material affairs.
The activities of the Lord are always inconceivable by the tiny brain of the living entities. Nothing is impossible for the Supreme Lord but all His actions are wonderful for us and thus He is always beyond the range of our conceivable limits. The Lord is chief or the all powerful all perfect Personality of Godhead amongst all other living beings or personalities of different grades. The Lord is cent per cent perfect while all others namely Brahma, Narayan, Shiva, the demigods and all other living beings possess only different percentage of such perfection. Nobody is equal or greater than Him. He is unrivalled.