SB 1.7.48 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 48
Yaih kopitam brahmakulam rajanyai ajita atmahhi Tat kulam pradahati ashu sanubandham sucharpitam.
Yaih—by those, Kopitam—enraged, Brahmakulam—the order of the Brahmins, Rajanyai—by the administrative order, Ajita—unrestricted, Atmabhi—by oneself, Tat—that, Kulam—family, Pradahati—is burnt up, Ashu—within no time, Sanubandham—together with family members, Sucharpitam—being put into agrievement.
If the administrative kingly order who are unrestricted in the matter of sense control, do offend the Brahmin order and thus enrage them then the fire of that enragement burns up the whole body of such a royal family, putting them in agrievement.
The Brahmin order of the society or the spiritually advanced caste or community and the members of such highly elevated family were always held in great esteem by the other subordinate castes namely the administrative kingly order, merchantile order or the labourers.