SB 1.7.46 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 46
Tad dharmajna mohabhaga bhavadvi gouravam kulam Brijinam na arhati praptum pujyam vandyam abhikshnasah.
Tad—therefore, Dharmajna—one who is aware of the principles of religiosity, Mohabhaga—the most fortunate, Bhavadbhi—by your goodself, Gouravam—glorified, Kulam—the family, Brijinam—that which is painful, Na—not, Arhati—does deserve, Praptum—for obtaining. Pujyam—the worshipful, Vandyam—respectful, Abhikshnasah—constantly.
Oh the most fortunate and knower of the principles of religion it does not behave well for you to invoke the causes of grief upon the glorious family-member who is always respectful and worshipful.
A slight insult for a respectable family is sufficient to invoke grief upon such men. Therefore, a cultured man should always be careful to deal with such worshipful family members.