SB 1.6.2 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 2
Sri Vyasa uvacha Bhikshubhir vipravasite vijnan adestribhis tava Bartamana vayasya adye tatah kim akorad bhaban
Sri Vyasa uvacha—Sri Vyasdeva said, Bhikshubhir—by the great mendicants, Vipravasite—having departed from there for other places, Vijnana—scientific knowledge in transcendence, Adestribhis—those who had instructed, Tava—of your, Bartamana—present, Vayasya—of the duration of life, Adye—before the beginning of, Tatah—after that, Kim—what, Akorad—did do, Bhavan—your goodself.
Sri Vyasdeva asked Sri Naradaji, what did he do after the departure of the great sages who had instructed him about scientific transcendental knowledge before the beginning of the present birth.
Vyasdeva himself was the disciple of Naradaji and therefore it is natural to be anxious to hear from him what did he do after initiation from the spiritual masters. He wanted to follow Narad's foot prints in order to attain to the same perfect stage of life. This inquisitiveness of the disciple to enquire from the spiritual master is an essential factor to march progressively on the spiritual path. This process is technically known as 'Satdharma Prichha.