SB 1.6.1 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 1
Suta uvacha Evam nisamya bhagaban devarse janma karma cha Bhuyah paprachha tam brahman vyasah satyabati sutah
Suta uvacha—Suta said, Evam—thus, Nisamya—hearing, Bhagaban—the powerful incarnation of God, Devarse—of the great sage amongst the gods, Janma—birth, Karma—work, Paprachha—asked, Tam—him, Brahman—oh the brahmins, Vyasa—Vyasdeva, Satyabati suta—the son of Satyabati.
(Suta said) Thus hearing all about Sri Narada's birth and activities, Vyasa Deva the incarnation of God and son of Satyavati asked as follows of the Brahmins.
Vyasdeva was further inquisitive to know about the perfection of Naradji and therefore he wanted to know about Him more and more. In this chapter Naradaji will describe how he was able to have a flash of audience of the Lord while he was absorbed in the transcendental thought of separation from the Lord and when it was too much painful for him.