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CC Adi 17.178-179

(Redirected from CC Adi 17.178)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXTS 178-179

kājī kahe,—yabe āmi hindura ghare giyā
kīrtana kariluṅ mānā mṛdaṅga bhāṅgiyā
sei rātre eka siṁha mahā-bhayaṅkara
nara-deha, siṁha-mukha, garjaye vistara


kājī kahe — the Kazi replied; yabe — when; āmi — I; hindura — of a Hindu; ghare — in the house; giyā — going there; kīrtana — chanting of the holy name; kariluṅ — made; mānā — prohibition; mṛdaṅga — the drum; bhāṅgiyā — breaking; sei rātre — on that night; eka — one; siṁha — lion; mahā-bhayaṅ-kara — very fearful; nara-deha — having a body like a human being’s; siṁha-mukha — having a face like a lion’s; garjaye — was roaring; vistara — very loudly.


The Kazi said, “When I went to the Hindu’s house, broke the drum and forbade the performance of congregational chanting, in my dreams that very night I saw a greatly fearful lion, roaring very loudly, His body like a human being’s and His face like a lion’s.