720824 - Lecture SB 01.02.21 and Initiations - Los Angeles
(Redirected from 720824 - Lecture SB 01.02.21 - Los Angeles)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Prabhupāda: (sings Jaya Rādhā-Mādhava) (prema-dhvani) Thank you very much.
Devotees: All glories to you Prabhupāda. (devotees offer obeisances)
Prabhupāda: Hmm. Begin.
Pradyumna: Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. (leads chanting of verse) (Prabhupāda and devotees repeat)
- bhidyate hṛdaya-granthiś
- chidyante sarva-saṁśayāḥ
- kṣīyante cāsya karmāṇi
- dṛṣṭa evātmanīśvare
- (SB 1.2.21)
Prabhupāda: Ladies. (ladies chant)
That's all. Now word meaning.
bhidyate—pierced; hṛdaya—heart; granthiḥ—knots; chidyante—cut to pieces; sarva—all; saṁśayāḥ . . .
Prabhupāda: "Doubts." What is the meaning?
Pradyumna: "Misgivings."
Prabhupāda: That's all right. Misgiving and doubt is same.
kṣīyante—terminated; ca—and; asya—his; karmāṇi—chain of fruitive actions; dṛṣṭe—having seen; eva—certainly; ātmani—unto the self; īśvare—dominating. (break)
Translation: "Thus the knots of the heart and all misgivings are cut to pieces. The chain of fruitive actions, or karma, is terminated when one sees the self as master."
Prabhupāda: Hmm. So, bhidyate means cut into pieces. What is that? Knot. Hṛdaya-granthi. Hṛdaya means heart, and granthi means knot. So our everyone's heart is knot. What is that knot? The knot is sex. Puṁsaḥ striyā mithunī-bhāvam etam (SB 5.5.8). This is knot. The material enjoyment begins . . . there is, everyone's heart, man, woman . . . man wants to have woman; woman wants to have man. This is searching after.
And some way or other, if they unite, the knot becomes tied up, very strong. That is called knot. Then as soon as the knot is there, then house, then land, then gṛha-kṣetra-suta, children. Then friends, then money. In this way, one after another, one after another, we become knotted in so many things. This is called knot. Hṛdaya-granthi, one after the . . . just like, to make it tight, you give one knot, again a knot, another knot, another knot, another knot, to make it secure.
So this is our position. This material world, we are knotted in so many ways, and we are creating more knot. In this life . . .
(tapping sound)
Who is making that sound?
(indistinct explanation)
Oh . . . so we have to cut down this knot. We are bound up in this material life by so many knots. So the process of cutting down, we have begun: yad anudhyāsinā. What is that verse? Yad anudhyāsinā, yes.
Devotee: Yad anudhyāsinā yuktāḥ.
Prabhupāda: Yes.
- yad anudhyāsinā yuktāḥ
- karma-granthi-nibandhanam
- chindanti kovidās tasya
- ko na kuryāt kathā-ratim
- (SB 1.2.15)
The fifteenth verse, we began, yad anudhyāsinā. These knots are there. The whole world is working so hard on account of being knotted in so many ways. But this Kṛṣṇa consciousness, if you take this sword and carefully work, then all these knots will be cut up. You will become free.
The living entity, soul, is bound up the subtle body and gross body on account of these knots, attachment. And different attachment. And Kṛṣṇa is giving us facilities as we want. If you want a human body, you get it. If you want animal body, you get it. If you want tiger's body, you get it. You want Brahmā's body, demigod's body, you get it. That is going on. Prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni (BG 3.27). You are . . . God is within you, and you are hankering after something, God is noting down: "All right." Even if you forget, He'll give you. "You wanted this facility. Now here it is. You can take." Kṛṣṇa is so kind.
We are being harassed by getting these different types of body and engagement according to the body. That we can understand. We are not happy. One after another . . . because our main business is sense gratification. So we cannot enjoy all these senses fully in one kind of body. There is some defect. Just like we are trying to gratify our senses by flying to another planet, moon planet. This is another sense gratification. We are meant for this planet. We are bound up by condition.
Artificially we are trying to go there, and making plan, so many plans: "There will be intermediate station, and the petrol will be carried from here," and this and that. So many things. Simply spending money. Just like childish. The child, they spoil their time and energy in certain playing. Similarly, this is going on. Because it is a sense gratification. That's all. Simply mere sense gratification, "Let us go, how it is, moon planet." You have no business there. You cannot do there anything. You cannot live there, but still, "Let us go, let us go." And spend all the money, taxpayers' money, spend like water. This is going on.
So if you actually want to go to moon planet, there is clear process:
- yānti deva-vratā devān
- pitṟn yānti pitṛ-vratāḥ
- bhūtejyā yānti bhūtāni . . .
- (BG 9.25)
That Easy Journey . . . long time ago, I think some times in 1960, so one gentleman met me, "Sir, your book, Easy Journey . . . so we shall go there?" "Yes, we shall go." "And again I shall come back?" "No. No coming back." (chuckles) So, "Then what it is?" That means he want to sense gratification. He wants to go to moon planet or to any planet, come back, and become boast amongst his friends, "You see, I have gone." (laughter)
That is his business. Actually, he doesn't want to go there, neither he has got power to go, but he wants to satisfy his senses that, "I shall go there and come back and show my chest very swollen that, 'I have gone to the moon planet.' " Eh?
That one aeronautics, he first went with that, what is called, capsule? And he was greeted all over the world. He went to India also. Our rascal leaders, they also greeted him. Kruschev and others. "What?" "He has gone round." And it was published in the . . . when he was rounding, then he was seeing, trying to see, "Where is my Russia? Where is my Moscow?"
So the attraction is here, in Moscow. Just like there is a proverb: The vulture goes very high, three miles, four miles high. It is very difficult for us to fly, single-handed. But the aim is, "Where is a dead body?" He's looking forward, "Where is a dead body?" The aim is not very good. He's looking after some dead corpse to eat. That is his business. But he has gone very high, four miles high.
Similarly, all these so-called rascal scientist, their aim is how to stuck-up in this knot of material existence, and they are trying to become so many things. You see? Hṛdaya-granthi. Real attachment is here. Just like the hog; the real attachment is the stool. But he's getting very fat, "Oh, I am so happy." You see? So this is going on.
Nature is very clever. Just to make you attached to stool, she gives you certain body, type of body, hog. You become very pleased, "Oh, I am so happy. I am living in heaven." Sometimes actually Indra, the king of heaven, he was cursed to become a hog, and he was . . . he became hog. He had so many kiddies, wife, and living in filthy place, eating stool. So Brahmā came that for his absence, the management in the heavenly kingdom is not going nice. So he came, "Indra, now please come with me." "Where shall I go to, sir?" "Heaven." "What is that? I cannot go. I have got responsibility. I have got my wife, my children, and I am happy here. I do not know what is heaven."
So this is the attachment. Even if you say . . . just like what we are, we are doing? We are canvassing, "Please come with us. Go, let us go." Just like Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura says, rādhā-kṛṣṇa bolo, saṅge calo, ei-mātra bhikhā cāi (Gītāvalī). So Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura says that, "Kindly chant 'Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa' and come with me. We are going back to home, back to Godhead." Nobody is interested. "What is this 'Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa' nonsense? We are very happy here." Knot.
Even if you describe, "Oh, here is Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa. You see how nicely They're dressed and They enjoy. Just see dancing here. They're . . ." they don't care for you. "Oh, you are very happy here. Why shall I go to Goloka Vṛndāvana?" "You will not be able to stay here." "Oh, that's all right. As long as I can stay, let me enjoy this stool." That's all. Attachment. This is called attachment. Attachment is so strong that even if you explain that, "You will go back to home, back to Godhead. Your father is Kṛṣṇa, all-powerful. You can enjoy there blissful life, eternal life," "No. It is better here."
So by Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement, if people take to it seriously and become advanced . . . the same process, śṛṇvatāṁ sva-kathāḥ kṛṣṇaḥ (SB 1.2.17), simply hearing about Kṛṣṇa, as we are doing. Then, gradually, we come to the platform of goodness, and the lower modes of material nature, namely ignorance and passion, cannot disturb us. We become situated in goodness. And then, gradually, this stage comes, evaṁ prasanna-manaso bhagavad-bhakti yogataḥ (SB 1.2.20). You become engladdened, you become joyful, by discharging devotional service. And the knots, you will be no more interested with this rascal life of material existence. Bhidyate hṛdaya-granthiḥ.
Just like if you are . . . just like Dhruva Mahārāja. Dhruva Mahārāja wanted the kingdom of his father, but actually when he saw Lord Viṣṇu before him, he said: "Sir, I do not want anything." Svāmin kṛtārtho 'smi varaṁ na yāce (CC Madhya 22.42). "My dear Lord, I have no more any aspiration of this kingdom or that kingdom, that kingdom." This position comes. It is just like that . . .
You are hungry, but if you are given food, if, when your belly is filled up, you will automatically say: "No, no, I don't want any . . . anything. That's . . . (indistinct) . . ." Kṛṣṇa consciousness is like that. Actually, we don't want to eat. We have nothing to eat. I am spirit soul, you are spirit soul; we have nothing . . . it is our material hankering. In order to maintain this body, we require some material things to eat. Otherwise, as spiritual soul, I or you don't want to eat anything. There is nothing to be eaten.
Therefore the eating propensities should be satisfied by eating Kṛṣṇa's prasādam, so that you gradually become spiritualized and your eating propensities may be diminished. Just like the Gosvāmīs. Nidrāhāra-vihārakādi-vijitau cātyanta-dīnau ca yau. Nidrāhāra. These are our necessities: sleeping, eating, nidrāhāra and vihāra, and sex enjoyment. Nidrāhāra-vihārakādi-vijitau, conquered. Conquered. Because in spiritual life there is no need of eating, there is no need of sleeping. That is a different thing. So nidrāhāra-vihārakādi-vijitau.
So this Kṛṣṇa consciousness, as we have discussed, gradually will bring you to that stage where no more knot for the material attachment. Bhidyate, bhidyate hṛdaya-granthiś chidyante sarva-saṁśayāḥ. Saṁśayāḥ. Now everyone is . . . we are speaking that, "You are not this body; you are soul." The people cannot understand. They are in doubt, "Oh, how I am soul? I am this body." But as soon as you come perfectly in spiritual consciousness, or Kṛṣṇa consciousness, the doubts will be over, "I am spirit soul. I am eternal servant of Kṛṣṇa." Then that will be fixed up.
- bhidyate hṛdaya-granthiś
- chidyante sarva-saṁśayāḥ
- kṣīyante cāsya karmāṇi . . .
- (SB 1.2.21)
We are bound up by karma, by karma acting. In this life, I am acting in such a way so that I am preparing my next life. Again, next life, I shall act in such a way I shall prepare my next life. In this way, one after another, one after another, one after another. But if we take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness and if we simply act for Kṛṣṇa, yajñārthāt karmaṇo 'nyatra loko 'yaṁ karma-bandhanaḥ (BG 3.9), simply if we act for Kṛṣṇa, there will be no more karma-bandhana. Then one after another, that will be finished.
Karmāṇi nirdahati kintu ca bhakti-bhājām (Bs. 5.54). In the Brahmā-saṁhitā this is that, "Those who have taken to Kṛṣṇa consciousness, their karma, their action of, resultant action of karma, is stopped." How it is stopped? Kṛṣṇa gives you assurance in the Bhagavad-gītā: ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi (BG 18.66): "I shall give you protection from all kinds of resultant action of your sinful life. You just surrender Me." Kṛṣṇa can do everything. Just like king can give you, excuse you. Although by law you are condemned to death, but if you appeal to the supreme executive, the king or the president, if he likes, he can excuse you.
Similarly, by nature's law we cannot be freed from the resultant action of our sinful life. That is not possible. But if Kṛṣṇa desires, if Kṛṣṇa is pleased upon you, He can excuse; He can excuse you. Chidyante sarva-saṁśayāḥ, kṣīyante cāsya karmāṇi. How cāsya karmāṇi? Dṛṣṭa eva ātmani īśvare. Because at that time, actually when you are Kṛṣṇa conscious, we'll always see Kṛṣṇa ātmani, within mind, within heart. That very seeing is, what is called, immunity from all sinful activities. Then you become free, go back to home, back to Godhead.
Thank you.
Devotees: All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. (devotees offer obeisances) (break)
Prabhupāda: Begin. Hmm. (break)
(kīrtana) (break)
Devotee: . . . no gambling.
Prabhupāda: Thank you. Your name is Rūpa-nārāyaṇa dāsa. Rūpa-nārāyaṇa. Hare Kṛṣṇa.
Devotees: Hare Kṛṣṇa.
(Prabhupāda chants japa)
Prabhupāda: So, what are the rules and regulation?
Devotee: No meat, fish or eggs, no intoxicants, no gambling or mental speculation and no illicit sex.
Prabhupāda: So your name is Māyāpur-candrodaya dāsa. That is Caitanya Mahāprabhu's name. (japa)
Devotees: Jaya.
Devotee: No meat, fish or eggs, no intoxicants, no gambling and no illicit sex life.
Prabhupāda: So your name is Nitāi-gauracandra dāsa.
Devotees: All glories. Jaya.
Prabhupāda: Hare Kṛṣṇa. (japa) (break)
Devotees: Jaya! All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda. Ācāryadeva. (break)
Prabhupāda: . . . Govinda-mādhava.
Devotees: Jaya! All glories to you, Śrīla Prabhupāda. (break)
(kīrtana) (break)
Devotee: . . . no gambling, no eating of fish, meat or eggs, no intoxicants.
Prabhupāda: So your name is Madana-mohana dāsa. Hare Kṛṣṇa. (japa)
Devotee (1): Richard? Rādhā-gopīnātha.
Prabhupāda: (japa) Hmm. What are the rules?
Richard: No meat, fish or eggs, no intoxications, no illicit sex and no gambling.
Prabhupāda: So your name is Rādhā-gopīnātha dāsa. (japa)
What are the rules and regulation?
Lady devotee: No meat, fish or eggs, no illicit sex life, no intoxicants and no gambling or mental speculation.
Prabhupāda: So you are Vṛndā-devī dāsī. Vṛndā-devī? Yes. Vṛndā-devī is another name of tulasī. (japa)
Devotee (1): . . . (indistinct)
Prabhupāda: So, what are the rules?
Devotee: No illicit sex life, no intoxications, no gambling, no mental speculation, no intoxicants . . .
Prabhupāda: Hmm, what is the name?
Devotee (1): Mathurā-mohana.
Devotee: . . . no meat-eating, meat, fish or eggs.
Prabhupāda: So your name is Mathurā-mohana dāsa. Hare Kṛṣṇa
Devotee: Thank you very much, Śrīla Prabhupāda. (japa) (break)
Prabhupāda: . . . rules? What are the rules?
Devotee: No illicit sex, no fish, meat or eggs, no intoxicants, no gambling.
Prabhupāda: All right. Your name Devīndranātha (pause) dāsa. (laughter)
Devotee (1): Mark Prabhu? No, Paula. Paramahaṁsī. (japa)
Prabhupāda: What are the rules?
Lady devotee: No illicit sex, no meat, fish or eggs, no gambling and no . . . intoxication.
Prabhupāda: So your name is Paramahaṁsī-devī. (laughter) Don't laugh. Hare Kṛṣṇa. (japa) (break) (end)
- 1972 - Lectures
- 1972 - Lectures and Conversations
- 1972 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- 1972-08 - Lectures, Conversations and Letters
- Lectures - USA
- Lectures - USA, Los Angeles
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - USA
- Lectures, Conversations and Letters - USA, Los Angeles
- Lectures - Srimad-Bhagavatam
- SB Lectures - Canto 01
- Lectures - Initiations
- Audio Files 45.01 to 60.00 Minutes