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1966 New York Journal - The Bowery

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

April 1 through June 30, 1966

The Bowery Summary

Beginning with the first meetings at the Bowery loft, more people attend the classes. Śrīla Prabhupāda maintains contact with Dr. Mishra and occasionally visits Ananda Ashram on weekends. Harvey Cohen loans Śrīla Prabhupāda his typewriter, and Paul Murray supplies a tape recorder for the classes. Paul expresses seriousness about becoming a Vaiṣṇava and runs daily errands for Śrīla Prabhupāda. Śrīla Prabhupāda attempts unsuccessfully to get free passage for Paul to go to India on the Scindia shipping line. At the end of April Śrīla Prabhupāda vacates the room on Seventy-second Street. Around the beginning of May, Carl Yeargens, later to be initiated as Karlāpati dāsa, begins attending the meetings and donates a tape recorder. At the request of some students, Śrīla Prabhupāda begins teaching Sanskrit. On May 9 fourteen men and women attend the class.

Śrīla Prabhupāda begins the process of incorporating a society and gives Carl a copy of the Memorandum of Association of the League of Devotees, which he had used years ago in India, so he can consult with a lawyer. Śrīla Prabhupāda discusses with Carl the use of the drug LSD and convinces him that it is unnecessary for spiritual revelation. Śrīla Prabhupāda receives a letter from Mangalniloy Brahmacari in India, who offers to come to America to help in the mission.

On May 25 Śrīla Prabhupāda holds consultations about incorporating the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Some days later, Śrīla Prabhupāda meets with Stephen Goldsmith, a lawyer. This effort continues until July, when the society is registered.

At the end of May Paul's behavior becomes erratic due to intoxication. Śrīla Prabhupāda looks for a new place.

In June the weather becomes very hot and attendance at the classes increases. On June 9 Śrīla Prabhupāda receives the final letter from Sir Padampat Singhania refusing to help with purchasing a temple building. On Sunday June 12, Śrīla Prabhupāda holds the first feast for the members of his fledgling society and cooks twelve different preparations. Sixteen people attend. On June 23 Mike, later to become Mukunda dāsa, asks to become a Vaiṣṇava and tells Śrīla Prabhupāda that he will marry his girlfriend. Later on in September, at Śrīla Prabhupāda's apartment on 26 Second Avenue, Mukunda and Janakī are married in the first wedding ceremony to take place in ISKCON presided over by Śrīla Prabhupāda, although this event is not mentioned by Śrīla Prabhupāda in the journal.

Friday 1 April

Friday 1 April

Sun Rise 5/42 am. Sunset 6/27 pm. Moon Set 4/09 am.


One Mr. Pop came to see me. He saw the books. Took one copy of the 1st Part and paid $6.00.

In the evening the meeting was experimentally held at Paul's place 94 Bowery Place*. The attendance was four only. Mr. Greene* paid only $5.00.

Income book & Contribution $11.00

Expenditure Bus & Subway .30

I passed the night at Paul's place. It was nice.

Saturday 2 April

Saturday 2 April

Sun Rise 5/40 am. Sunset 6/28 pm. Moon Set 4/11 am.


I came back from Paul's loft to Dr. Mishra's apartment took meals came to my apartment.

Received one letter from Govinda Maharaj.

Expenditure subway .15

Went with Yolanda and Sinthia to Ananda Ashram. Passed night and held Kirtan. Kirtan appreciated.

Sunday 3 April

Sunday 3 April

Sun Rise 5/38 am. Sunset 6/30 pm. Moon Set 5/08 am.


From Ananda Ashram came back to New York. Passed night at my apartment. Dr. Mishra gave me a tape-recorder which is not working.

no expenditure, No income,

Monday 4 April

Monday 4 April

Sun Rise 5/36 am. Sunset 6/31 pm. Moon Set 5/46 am.


Today I went to see Mr. Bogart. His publisher Mr. Laughton interested in publishing Srimad Bhagwatam. Mr. Bogart offered me a typewriter and Tape Recorder. I took them. Typewriter nice. Tape Recorder defective.

Today I have replied the letter of State Department regarding visit to the President.

Then I came to Paul's place.

There was meeting and Kirtan, Hari Katha.

No income. Expenditure .30

Tuesday 5 April

Tuesday 5 April

Sun Rise 5/34 am. Sunset 6/34 pm. Moonrise 7/01

Pratipada. The whole day I was at Paul's place. He is a nice boy. I prepared Paratha he was pleased to have it. He is anxious to follow the principles of Vaishnavism. I shall help him to my best. In the evening we held kirtan together. He is hopeful.

No income and No expenditure.

Wednesday 6 April

Wednesday 6 April

Sun Rise 5/32 am. Sunset 6/33 pm. Moonrise 8/19 pm.

Dwitiya. Today I took meals at Dr. Mishra's place. He is not happy that I am gradually shifting to Paul's place. Today received one letter from Library of Congress Wadington. It is good news. The Library of Congress Card No _________

Expenditure. .15

Paul purchased for me one packet of carbon paper 100 sheets $2.50

At evening there was meeting Greene absent. Still there were seven boys and girls. All attended the meeting carefully Some of them brought Rice, Atta, and fruits.

There was no collection

Expenditure .15

Thursday 7 April

Thursday 7 April

Sun Rise 5/30 am. Sunset 6/34 pm. Moonrise 9/37 pm.

Tritiya. Today I am staying with Paul. I cooked food and dined with Paul and Sakar. They liked the foodstuff very nice. Circumstances seem to be favourable. Paul promises to organise. He is enthusiastic. Let us see. He attended the morning class punctually.

Friday 8 April

Friday 8 April

Sun Rise 5/29 am. Sunset 6/336 pm. Moonrise 11 am.


Today the whole day and night also I stayed at Mr. Paul's loft. Saw Elsy to enquire about the Library of Congress card. No very encouraging.

Evening there was meeting. Seven boys & girls attended. Contribution $5.00 and some fruits also.

Expenditure- Busfare .30

Saturday 9 April

Saturday 9 April

Sun Rise 5/27 am. Sunset 6/37 pm.

Panchami. Today I went to Dr. Mishra's apartment. He did leave the key with doorman so I had some difficulty to enter the room. The doorman opened the door by his keys and by entering the room I saw that Dr. got my note. Anyway I cooked some khichuri and took it because there was no flour. After a little rest, I took my typewriters and came down to my room at 72nd St. From there I came to Paul's loft. In the evening Susman met me. He brought some grains.

Expenditure - Subway fare .30

Paul paid - $2.00

Total Exp $2.30

Sunday 10 April

Sunday 10 April

Sun Rise 5/25 am. Sunset 6/38 pm. Moonrise 0.03 pm.

Sasthi. Today the whole day I remained at Paul's loft and did not go out. I paid Paul one dollar for expenses. Today I am working on Cohen's big Royal Typewriter and it is very good for hard working. Paul is impressed with my mission in America.

No income - Expenditure $1.00

Monday 11 April

Monday 11 April

Sun Rise 5/23 am. Sunset 6/29 pm. Moonrise

Saptami. Today I took meals with Dr. Mishra. The Expenditure for

Dr. Mishra' T. R. was - $5.00

Paid to Paul for expenses 1.00

Bus fare .45


In the evening there was meeting seven gentlemen attended

The Collection was - $5.00

Tuesday 12 April

Tuesday 12 April

Sun Rise 5/21 am. Sunset 6/41 pm. Moonrise 1.05 am.

Astami. Today I had been to New India House. Mr. Mukherji of Passport Department kept my undertaking and passport for necessary action will return on Monday the 18th inst.

Paul paid for battery $1.00

Bus fare .30

Total Expenditure - 1.30

Wednesday 13 April

Wednesday 13 April

Sun Rise 5/20 am. Sunset 6/42 pm. Moonrise 2/38

Mavami. Today I received one letter from the chief assistant of the Governor N.Y. Paul's T.R. is alright.

Expenditure -

Paid to Paul - $1.50

Bus fare - .75

Expenditure 2.25

In the evening eight ladies and gentlemen attended the meeting.

Income - $1.00

Thursday 14 April

Thursday 14 April

Sun Rise 5/18 am. Sunset 6/44 pm. Moonrise 3.12 am.

Dasami Elese paid $31.50 for books

Deposited with Bank $36.00

Paid Paul for Expenses 1.00

Bus & Subway fare .60

Expenditure 37.60

Income 31.50

Friday 15 April

Friday 15 April

Sun Rise 5/16 am. Sunset 6/45 pm. Moonrise 3/39 am.

Ekadasi: Books delivered to Elise. Two sets of books for sale in charge of Paul.

Expenditure Bus fare .60

Mr. Anderson assistant to Governor met. He is little sympathetic. He says that I may expect some news from the Asia Society, New York.

Yolanda will take me to Ashram tomorrow at 2 P.M.

Collection in the meeting - $4.00

Saturday 16 April

Saturday 16 April

Sun Rise 5/14 am. Sunset 5/46 pm. Moonrise 4.01 am.

Paid to Paul for Expenditure - $2.00

Bus fare to 72. .15

Dwadasi 2.15

To Yolanda took me to the Ashram and there was Keertan in the evening.


Sunday 17 April

Sunday 17 April

Sun Rise 5/13 am. Sunset 6/47 pm. Moonrise 4.21 am.

Today up to 5 P.M. I was in the Ashram Came back at 6/15 P.M. to 72. Paul was there. In the evening I came back to Bowery with the suitcase. one book due to Elsy was delivered to

via the Studio. (Triodasi)

Expenditure - Bus fare - .30

New expenditure Paid to Paul .50


Book sale - $10.00


Monday 18 April

Monday 18 April

Sun Rise 5/12 am. Sunset 6/49 pm. Moonrise 4.39 am.


Today I took delivery of Passport from the New India House. It is renewed to a period of two years more i.e. up to 9th June 1968.

I wanted to see Mr Bogart but he was not there. I left one note for him.

Expenditure -

Paul Paid - $1.00

Bus fare - .30

Postage - 1.10


Income - $2.00

Tuesday 19 April

Tuesday 19 April

Sun Rise 5/10 am. Sunset 6/50 pm. Moonrise 4.57

Amavasya. Today I went to see Dr. J.K. Banerji but he was not in his office. I left on his table the matter for Press report. No letter received.

Expenditure - Bus fare .45

Wednesday 20 April

Wednesday 20 April

Sun Rise 5/08 am. Sunset 6/51 pm. Moonrise 6/42 am.

Pratipada. Paid Paul $1.00 for expenditure. Today I took my meals at Dr. Mishra's place. I took back the T.R. and tried for its repair without any success.

Expenditure for Bus fare .45

Evening meeting at 7 to 9 p.m. only four persons attended.

The collection $4.00.

Thursday 21 April

Thursday 21 April

Sun Rise 5/06 am. Sunset 6/52 pm. Moonrise 7.58


Bus fare - .30

Paul Paid - $2.00

Expenditure - $2.30

Friday 22 April

Friday 22 April

Sun Rise 5/05 am. Sunset 6/53 pm. Moonsets 9.09 am.


Bus fare .45

Paul Paid $1.0

Expenditure - $1.45

In the evening five gentlemen attended - contribution $4.00

Saturday 23 April

Saturday 23 April

Sun Rise 5/04 am. Sunset 6/55 pm. Moonset 10 pm


Paul Paid $2.00

Bus fare - .15

Expenditure - 2.15

Today I went to Ananda Ashram at noon - Dr. Mishra paid all my expenditure for going

Sunday 24 April

Sunday 24 April

Sun Rise 5/02 am. 5/56 pm. Moonsets 11/32 pm


Today I remained whole day at the Ananda Ashram. Came back in the evening. Paul was not in the apartment.

Expenditure - Bus fare .15

Received Two letters at 72nd one from Bir Waban (?) & the other from Secretary President.

Talked with Miss Sulyon Richter

493 Lincoln Road

Bklyn. NY 11238

Tel. 857-34904

Monday 25 April

Monday 25 April

Sun Rise 5/00 am. Sunset 6/57

Sasthi. I went to see Mr. Bogart. He was not in the office but his assistant was given a note to contact picher. Saw the marine office. Free pass for Paul denied. Came back & settled to postpone return back to India. One letter received from Teertha Maharaj bypassing his responsibility as promised by him. Brindaban's & Robert's letters replied. Teertha Maharaj letter also replied. He should honestly execute his promise. I have no objection if he corresponds directly with Sir Padampat.

Expenditure - Bus fare .30

Evening meeting held.

Contribution Income. $4.60

one hour clock enhanced.

Tuesday 26 April

Tuesday 26 April

Sun Rise 5/08 am. Sunset 6/49 pm. Moonset 0/11 am

Saptami. Today I did not go out.

Paul paid for Expenditure - $500

no income today.

To Income of book - $5.00

Wednesday 27 April

Wednesday 27 April

Sun Rise 5/06 am. Sunset 6/50 pm. Moonset 1/07 am

Astami. Today whole day I did not go out. One letter sent to Srimati Sumati Morarjee requesting to allow free passage for Paul.

Evening there was meeting six ladies and gentlemen attended

Income - $5.00

Thursday 28 April

Thursday 28 April

Sun Rise 5/05. Sunset 6/51. Moonset 1/52


Expenses Paul paid $1.00

Today I brought all things from 72nd Street to Paul's loft.

Friday 29 April

Friday 29 April

Sun Rise 5/03. Sunset 6/52. Moonset 6/52.


Today I met Pitcher's secretary for informing the vacation of Room. She promised cheque on Tuesday afternoon.

Deposited with the Bank $17.00

Talked with Banerjee he has not yet sent the report.

Talked with Bogart. No news.

In the there was meeting five gentlemen attended

Contribution $14.00

Saturday 30 April

Saturday 30 April

Sun Rise 5/02. Sunset 6/53. Moonset 3/32

Ekadasi Today both Paul and self observed Ekadasi

In the afternoon both we went to Ananda Ashram

Expenditure $5.00

We passed night at Ananda.

Sunday 1 May

Sunday 1 May

Sun Rise 5/01. Sunset 6/54. Moonsets 3/30

Dwadasi -

We came back from Ananda Ashram - at 6.30.

Expenditure - .30

Paul was not at home at night. He went for work.

Monday 2 May

Monday 2 May

Sunrise 5/00. Sunset 6/55. Moonset 3/57.

Trayodasi. Today I did not go out the whole day I was engaged with my typewriter. Paul came back from work at about 10/30 a.m. and deposited with me $25.00 for rent.

There was no expenditure -

In the evening there was meeting only five gentlemen attended including Paul

Contribution $5.00

Mr. Carl brought his Tape recorder the appearance gorgeous but action is very poor. It did not act to my satisfaction.

Tuesday 3 May

Tuesday 3 May

Sunrise 4/58. Sunset 6/56. Moonset 4/20

Chaturdasi. Today I delivered the keys of 72nd house to the Secretary of the Landlord at 33, Riverside Drive. She returned to $35.00 in terms of my registered notice. So the account of 100 West 72nd St. now closed. I also handed over to Dr. Mishra the keys of the Studio 501. He has invited me to dine with him on

Friday the 6th instant.

Friday the 6th instant.

Paul was paid expenditure $2.00

Subway and Bus fare - .45

The Paragon book gallery man Mr. Max met. He reported that they are selling the books.

Wednesday 4 May

Wednesday 4 May

Sunrise 4/57. Sunset 6/57. Moonset 4/51.

Purnima Today I went to search out Sakar but I was lost in the Subway

Expenditure subway fare .15

Paul paid for Expenditure - $1.00

And for his laundry - 2.00

Deposited with the bank 70.00

Expenditure 73.15

In the evening the meeting was held. It was nice. Seven gentlemen attended. Contribution received. 6.75

Mr. Carl was very kind to give me over the Tape Record which is better than the one I have lost.

Two stamps given to Paul.

Thursday 5 May

Thursday 5 May

Sunrise 4/56. Sunset 6/58. Moonrise 8/12 pm.


Received one redirected letter from Brindaban. I have already replied his former letter. He appears to be very much anxious about me always.

Paul is paid for expenditure - $1.00.

Friday 6 May

Friday 6 May

Sunrise 4/55 am. Sunset 6/59 pm. Moonrise 7/2

Dwitiya. Today I did not go out. Paul was paid for expenditure. $2.00

In the evening there was meeting and the contribution collected was $5.00

Saturday 7 May

Saturday 7 May

Sunrise 4/54 am. Sunset 7/00 pm. Moonrise 10/29.


In the afternoon there was meeting again for teaching Sanskrit and contribution collection was $6.75

I went Ananda Ashram. The expenditure was $2.50

In the Ananda Ashram they paid for two trips $5.00

Tonight Keertan was very much appreciated by all in the Ananda Ashram.

Mr. Bill has kept my office copy of Back to Godhead for reading. I came back to 92 Bowery on the car of George (crossed out)

Sunday 8 May

Sunday 8 May

Sunrise 4/52. Sunset 7/1. Moonrise 11/06


I came back to 94 Bowery on the car of George. There was no expenditure.

Monday 9 May

Monday 9 May

Sunrise 4/51. Sunset 7/02. Moonrise


I paid Paul $1.00 for Expenses. The whole day I did not go out. Two letter received. one from Govinda Maharaj and another from Choksi* (Bombay) refusing Paul's free passage.

In the evening there was meeting the attendance was large 14 ladies and gentlemen attended.

But the collection poor only $5.00 Never mind it is growing.

Today Mr. Carl has taken a copy of the memorandam of Association* etc. for consultation.

He has also taken away a pair of cymbals for checking in the market.

Tuesday 10 May

Tuesday 10 May

Sunrise 4/50. Sunset 7/03. Moonrise 0/11

Sasthi Today also did not go out. Two letters received one from Robert Nelson who tried Harper Row for publication. Received back the old Pass Book. Transferred to Grand St. $109.87. Paul Paid $1.00 for expenditure.

Two letters written - one to

Brindaban and the other to Captain Pandya.

Both Brindaban and Captain Pandya written about

Khola, Kartal and Harmonium*.

Wednesday 11 May

Wednesday 11 May

Sunrise 4/49. Sunset 7/04. Moonrise 0/54


Paul was paid for expenditure - $2.00

Paragon people hopeless. They cannot sell books. So some arrangement has to be done. one letter received from Chandra Sekhar. Bus fare - .30

Two sets of books taken by two gentlemen they will pay by instalment. One of them paid $5.00

In the evening there was meeting. Discussed with Carl about L.S.D. He is convinced about my arguments that there is no necessity of it for spiritual revelation. There were nine or ten ladies gentlemen attending today's meeting.

Contribution - $8.00

I saw the Bowery Branch of the First City National Bank. They have transferred the amount from 72nd Branch.

Deposited today $15.00.

Income - $13.00

Expenditure - $17.30

Two letters posted through Paul.

Thursday 12 May

Thursday 12 May

Sunrise 4/48. Sunset 7/05. Moonrise 1/26.

Astami Today I enquired about registration of the League of Devotees. It is understood the expenditure will be about $300.00 (including Lawyer's 200.00)

I paid Paul for expenditure - $6.00

Deposited in the Bank book a/c 10.00

Bus fare etc. .75

Total Exp: 16.75

Friday 13 May

Friday 13 May

Sunrise 4/47. Sunset 7/06. Moonrise 1/54


Paid to Paul for Expenditure - $1.00

There was meeting in the evening the attendance was poor.

Contribution received $4.00

Saturday 14 May

Saturday 14 May

Sunrise 4/46. Sunset 7/07. Moonrise 2/18


Paul was paid for Expenditure $1.00

There was meeting at noon

Sanskrit class contribution $4.00

I went to Ananda Ashram there was Keertan in the evening.

Four letter by air mail posted.

(1) Chandra Sekhar

(2) Suryakumar

(3) Agent Punjab National Bank Vrindaban

(4) Atmaram & Sons booksellers.

Sunday 15 May

Sunday 15 May

Sunrise 4/45. Sunset 7/08. Moonrise


The whole day I was in Ananda Ashram I came back at 5 P.M. Yolanda brought me back by her car. She has promised to come here on Wednesday next.

Monday 16 May

Monday 16 May

Sunrise 4/44 am. Sunset 7/09. Moonrise 3/11


Today paid Paul for Expenditure $3.50 Received one letter from Mangalniloy Brahmachary. Very encouraging. He wants to help me in my mission. I have replied and assured him to get him here provided he works here submissively.

In the evening there was meeting 10 ladies gentlemen attended

contribution - 7.55

Postage - 2.10

Bus fare - .30




Tuesday 17 May

Tuesday 17 May

Sunrise 4/43 am. Sunset 7/10 P.M. Moonrise 3/24.

Triayodasi Today I have paid Paul for expenditure $1.00

Wednesday 18 May

Wednesday 18 May

Sunrise 4/43. Sunset 7/10. Moonrise 3/47

Chaturdasi: Today I paid Paul for expenditure $1.25

In the evening there was meeting 12 ladies and gentlemen attended

Contribution - $7.00

one letter received from Atmasing Bombay.

Thursday 19 May

Thursday 19 May

Sunrise 4/42. Sunset 7/11. Moonrise 4/14

Amavasya. Paul paid $2.00 for Expenditure.

Today one letter received from Mr. Paul C. Sherbert and he is replied also.

Friday 20 May

Friday 20 May

Sunrise 4/41. Sunset 7/12. Moonsets New Moon

Pratipada: Today I withdrew $25.00 Mr Paul's money - and delivered to him. $25.00 in full

Purchased one box of stapling $1.00.

It is calculated today that after expenditure up to date the balance is $22.00 out of all contributions in the meeting.

Mr. Raphael* wants to sell books. I have given him instructions. Let me see what he can do.

Mr. Paul wants $5.00 more for depositing in Electric office in his name.

Expenditure - $12.00

In the evening there was meeting and although the attendance was with ten men the collection was only $4.00

Saturday 21 May

Saturday 21 May

Sunrise 4/40. Sunset 7/13. Moonsets 8/58

Dwitiya Paul was paid $1.25 for Expenses.

In the afternoon there was Sanskrit class. The attendance was ten but the Collection was only - $4.00

one boy paid for the books (partly) $6.00

At 5/30 P.M. we started for Ananda Ashram.

Paul's land Lady came for rent; She is promised for rent paying on Monday.

He has kept with him $75.00 and I will have to return the balance of collection $25.00 on Monday to him.

In the evening there was Keertan at Ashram. It was nice as usual. There was dance of Balirama

Expenditure - 1.25

Income 10.00

Sunday 22 May

Sunday 22 May

Sunrise 4/39. Sunset 7/14. Moonsets 10/08

Tritiya. Both Paul and I we were at Ashram the whole day. We came back at 8 P.M. It is seen that somebody came in. Paul says the door was open. There was electric table-lamp on. And later on it was found that on paper he has left one note with chalk as "BLESSED". it is mysterious. And later on it was found that $75.00 which was kept in Paul's Drawer is taken away. I think the situation not safe. We have to arrange for safety otherwise it is risky to remain here.

The Ashram paid $10.00 for our going there. So there was no expenditure.

Monday 23 May

Monday 23 May

Sunrise 4/39. Sunset 7/15. Moonsets 11/03

Chaturthi. Paul paid $4.00 for expenditure and twenty 25.00 for paying rents, etc.

In the evening there was meeting the contribution was $8.00. The attendance was about eleven ladies and gentlemen.

Tuesday 24 May

Tuesday 24 May

Sunrise 4/38 A.M. Sunset 7/16 P.M. Moonsets 11/51.

Panchami: Today Paul was paid $2.00 for expenditure.

Two letters posted. One to Mr. Sherbert and the order to Cambridge University Press.

Wednesday 25 May

Wednesday 25 May

Sunrise 4/37 am. Sunset 7/19 pm. Moonsets on Sasthis: Today Paul was paid for Expenditure $2.00.

In the evening there was meeting the attendance was about 18 heads.

the Contribution $11.75.

After the meeting there was consultations about incorporation of The International Society for Krishna consciousness.

Thursday 26 May

Thursday 26 May

Sunrise 4/36 am. Sunset 7/18 P.M. Moonsets 0/32

Saptami: Today I went to Dr. Mishra to dine with him

The expenditure was subway .30

Today Paul showed his crazy mind but he was sorry later on for his breaking the keertan performaces in the morning service.

Friday 27 May

Friday 27 May

Sunrise 4/36 am. Sunset 7/19 P.M. Moonsets 1/05

Astami: Today Paul was paid $2.00 for expenditure. I saw a good apartment and lecture hall at 218 Park Row Chatham Square. Paul typed practically the whole day.

In the evening there was meeting about 15 persons both ladies & gentlemen attended.

The contribution was only $8.70.

Saturday 28 May

Saturday 28 May

Sunrise 4/35 am. Sunsets 7/19. Moonsets 1/34

Navami: Today Paul was paid $1.00 only for expenditure. In the afternoon there was Sanskrit class and about 10 persons attended.

The collection was only $6.00

one boy paid $6.00 for the book. He paid total $12.00

Today I did not go to Ashram because Carl engaged to me on Sunday 11 a.m.

one letter

Income $12.00 received from

Expenditure - 1.00 the Controller of

Exchange Delhi

N.B. There was an incidence extraordinary. At 10 night when I was typewriting Paul became too much irritated and I stopped typewriting. It was unusual due to his abnormal condition. Better to take precaution in future.

Sunday 29 May

Sunday 29 May

Sunrise 4/35 am. Sunsets 7/20. Moonsets 2/01

Dasami: There was no expenditure today. Karl came to dine with us. His address is noted. He is informed of last night's incidence. I have told him that I wish to live in separate apartment. He is trying for that.

I gave him about the room which I have seen in the Chatham Towers. 16th Floor.

Monday 30 May

Monday 30 May

Sunrise: 4/34 am. Sunsets 7/21 PM. Moonsets 2/25

Ekadasi: Today Paul was paid $2.00 for expenditure. He did not purchase all the articles that was ordered to him. I posted one letter to Sripad Teertha Maharaj regarding seeing the Finance Ministry in India. The Finance Minister's letter will be registered tomorrow.

In the evening there was meeting. About 10 students attended but the Contribution was only $6.12c.

Myke* brought his tanpura and it added to the tune of Samkirtan.

Mr. Goldsmith* has agreed to join the International Association for Krishna Consciousness.

Income $6.12

Expenditure $2.00

Tuesday May 31

Tuesday May 31

Sunrise: 4/34 am. Sunsets 7/21 PM. Moonrise 2/25

Dwadasi: Today I paid Paul $2.00 for expenditure

Registration to Indian Emb. .80

Bitter melon - .15


In the afternoon Mr. Robert Nelson came to see me. I requested him to become a member of the association. He agreed & paid $20.00 for the month of June 1966. This is deposited in the Bank.

I enquired for the Chatham Tower. At present it is not possible to acquire a room there. It is very much costly affair. But I have a strong desire to acquire a room there.

One letter received from the Punjab National Bank Ltd Vrindaban informing (?) the account no & balance etc.

Expenditure 2.95

Income 20.00

Bank deposit 20.00

Wednesday 1 June

Wednesday 1 June

Sunrise: 4/33 am. Sunsets 7/22 PM. Moonsets 3.21

Trayodasi: Today I went to immigration and Naturalization Office. They gave me one extention up to 17th September 1966. i.e. July, August and 17 days of September 1966. I paid them $10.

Purchased lau or (?) .60

Expenditure $10.60

Mr. Goldsmith lawyer came to see me in connection with Society reg. (?) I gave him my suggestions.

In the evening there was meeting. There was gatherings of about 16 heads although Karl and Greene did not come. Bob came with some flower and Sujee. I required some flour and Krishna sent it.

There was contribution $12.00

Expenditure - $10.60

N.B. To days lecture was very interesting.

Thursday 2 June

Thursday 2 June

Sunrise: 4/32 am. Sunset 7/23. Moonsets 3/54.

Chaturdasi. Today I paid Paul $1.50 for expenses.

on a/c books - $5.00

Bank deposit - $20.00

Friday 3 June

Friday 3 June

Sunrise: 4/32 am. Sunset 7/23 PM. Moonsets 4/32.


In the evening there was class and it was the best than all previous classes. There was attendance about twenty and contribution was $19.00.

Saturday 4 June

Saturday 4 June

Sunrise: 4/32 am. Sunset 7/24 PM. Moon rises 9/13.


Today I paid Paul $2.00 for Expenses In the Sanskrit class the Contribution was only $9.00 and Myke paid the balance for book $4.00.

Income - $13.00

Expenditure - $2.00

Today the temperature was very warm. For the first time in America I took bath in the evening.

Sunday 5 June

Sunday 5 June

Sunrise: 4/32 am. Sunset 7/25 PM. Moonrise 10/06

Dwitiya. The whole day was very hot

There was no expenditure neither any income.

In the evening Paid to Paul Expenditure - $1.00

Monday 6 June

Monday 6 June

Sunrise: 4/32 am. Sunset 7/25 PM. Moonrise 10/49.

Tritiya. Bank Deposit - $25.00

Paper - 1.57

Bitter Melon - .30

In the evening there was meeting About more than 16 men & women attended. The meeting was interesting but the collection was poor: Contribution only - $9.50

Book collection (Raphael 3 taken) 4.00


Income - 13.50

Expenditure 26.87

one gentleman has taken a set of book. Altogether five sets distributed out of 16. There is balance now 11 sets.

Tuesday 7 June

Tuesday 7 June

Sunrise: 4/31 am. Sunset 7/26 PM. Moonrise 11/26

Chaturthi: Today in the morning Paul was paid $1.35 plus $1.00 previous.

I went to see Dr. Mishra & I dined with him.

Expenditure - .30

Two Dimes for telephone call - .20

Total Expenditure 2.85

Bank deposit 15.00


Wednesday 8 June

Wednesday 8 June

Sunrise: 4/31 am. Sunset 7/26 PM. Moonrise 11/55.


There was meeting in the evening about 16 persons attended one of which was a Chinese woman who became very much interested.

The Collection was $11.00

Book Collection 4.00


A letter receive from Harvey.

Thursday 9 June

Thursday 9 June

Sunrise: 4/31. Sunset 7/27 PM. Moonrise.

Sasthi. Received one letter from Secretary Sir Padampat that he is not at present interested in Temple Construction in New York. A laughing stock.

Paul was paid for Expenditure $2.00

Friday 10 June

Friday 10 June

Sunrise: 4/31 a.m. Sunset 7/28 P.M. Moonrise 0/20.

Saptami. There was no expenditure today.

In the evening there was meeting 12 heads present

contribution only $8.00

Book collection $4.00

Total Income $12.00

Invited to attend Fasting (?) function on Sunday 12th instant.

Saturday 11 June

Saturday 11 June

Sunrise: 4/31 a.m. Sunset 7/28 P.M. Moonrise 0/44.

Astami: Today I paid Paul $2.00

and Karl - $20.00

Total Expenditure - $22.00

I received one letter from Mangalniloy and replied it.

Afternoon there was Sanskrit class five attended and contribution-$2.00

One letter written to J.N. Wankawala for confirmation.

Sunday 12 June

Sunday 12 June

Sunrise: 4/30 a.m. Sunset: 7/29 P.M. Moonrise 1/04.

Navami. Today the eating of the members took place. I cooked 12 twelve different item and all present more than sixteen ladies and gentlemen ate with great pleasure. The introduction was alright. It was all Grace of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

J.N. Wankawala letter by air mail posted.

Expenditure .50

Income book a/c .80

Contribution 3.00


Monday 13 June

Monday 13 June

Sunrise: 4/30 a.m. Sunset 7/29 P.M. Moonrise 6/27.

Dasami Today in the morning class there was some discussion on friendship & discipleship with Mr. Paul. I could not go out because Paul was not in. Two letters received, one from Chandra Sekhar and the other from the Indian Embassy Washington D.C. Good.

In the evening there was meeting The attendance was nine only. But the collection was the poorest at the same time the highest: Because somebody paid in the basket $100.00. Total contribution


There was book collection $2.00


There was no expenditure today.

At night Karl remained with us.

Tuesday 14 June

Tuesday 14 June

Sunrise: 4/30 a.m. Sunset 7/30 P.M. Moonrise 1/49.

Ekadasi: In the morning class Karl, Nelson and Paul attended the class:

Book collection - $7.00

Paul Paid for Expenditure $1.00

no letter received

Bank deposit - $120.00

At night at about 3 o'clock

Paul left this place intimating Karl that he would be away for two days.

Karl deposited money at Telephone office. It is expected that next week by Tuesday there will be telephone connection in my name. $40.00 paid by Paul for such deposit.

Wednesday 15 June

Wednesday 15 June

Sunrise: 4/30 Sunset: 7/30 Moonrise 2/1.

Dwadasi: Karl paid $1.00 for expenditure. Paul was absent the whole day & night. In the evening there was meeting. There were about 12 heads but the contribution was $5.50 only.

The other day $100.00 contribution is understood to be made by Karl. It is to be paid to Mr. Goldsmith for registration expenses.

Thursday 16 June

Thursday 16 June

Sunrise: 4/30 Sunset 7/31 Moonrise 2/42.

Triodasi: Today Karl was paid .75 cent for expenses and $100.00 withdrawn from Bank for incorporation charges to be paid Mr. Goldsmith.

Purchase of Typewriter ribbon .85

Fountain pen cartridges - .45


Total Expenditure .75



Friday 17 June

Friday 17 June

Sunrise: 4/31 a.m. Sunset 7/31 P.M. Moonrise 4/00 am.

Chaturdasi. & Ana Paul was paid today

$1.00 for expenditure.

In the evening Mr. Smith Press representative a friend of Karl came to see me. He took not of my activities. Took one set of book. His girlfriend gave me the following address:

Prof. De Jurt Leidecker

c/o College Station



Professor of Philosophy at Mary Washington College of Virginia Specialising in Oriental Philosophy

Mr. Goldsmith hanged the notice on the door to be so remained for 15 day in terms of the Law. It is expected that the incorporation will take place sometimes after the 6th July 1966.

In the evening there was meeting

the collection was only $7.00

Book Collection - $16.00


Expenditure - $1.00

Saturday 18 June

Saturday 18 June

Sunrise: 4/31 a.m. Sunset 7/32 P.M. Moonrise and sets.

Pratipada. Today Paul was paid $1.00 for expenditure.

The Sanskrit class was poorly attended

by two only - Contribution $2.00

Book Collection - 2.00


Expenditure $1.00

one letter received from Brindaban and other letter received from Teertha Maharaj. Brindaban's letter replied and posted by Don*

Mr. Paul Murray prepared his daily routine work. Let me see how does he follow it. He is a problem for me. Let Krishna help him to become good behaved.

Sunday 19 June

Sunday 19 June

Sunrise: 4/31 a.m. Sunset 7/32 P.M. Moonset 9/4 am.

Dwitya. Paul is paid $1.00 for expenditure.

Monday 20 June

Monday 20 June

Sunrise: 4/31 a.m. Sunset 7/32 P.M. Moonset 9/48 P.M.

Tritiya. Today I paid for purchas $1.50

Purchased Stationery - 1.61

Deposited in the Bank 20.00


In the there was meeting: sixteen persons attended and the Contribution was only $9.00

Book Collection 1.25


one artist has drawn a picture of Sri Sri Radha Krishna. So I have hanged over the present Lord Chaitanya's picture. It is looking nice.

One letter received from Mangalniloy.

Post office man has called on Thursday for Post Boxes.

Expenditure - 23.11

Income - 10.25

Tuesday 21 June

Tuesday 21 June

Sunrise: 4/31 a.m. Sunset 7/31 P.M. Moonset 0/5

Chaturthi. Today I paid to Paul $5.00 for purchases.

Karl paid me $30.00 for paying rent. Today telephone connection is made. I talked with Mr. Bogart and Mrs. Lablanc. Enquired about Yolanda. Dr. Mishra twice attempted but there was no response.

My telephone No. Code Area


Paul's behaviour not very satisfactory.

No letter received today.

Income: $30.00

Expenditure $5.00

One letter written to Paragon Book Gallery.

Wednesday 22 June

Wednesday 22 June

Sunrise: 4/32 a.m. Sunset: 7/33 P.M. Moonset 11/08 am.

Panchami. Today Paul was paid $2.25 for expenses. Withdrawn from Bank $65.00 and sent to the Landlady $100.00 by m.o. cheque Commission paid .25 c

Theosophical Lodge at 347 E. 72nd kept one set of book on approval My phone No 226-4327 given to them They will inform after consulting Madam Wadia of Bombay who is now at New York. Bus fare .30

No letter received today.-

Institute of Religions & Social Studies at Broadway 122 St. Junction 6th Floor invited me to see at 10/30 a.m. with books.

In the evening there was meeting the attendance was eleven but the Collection was only 7.50

Book Collection 1.00


Expenditure - 2.25





Thursday 23 June

Thursday 23 June

Sunrise: 4/32 a.m. Sunset: 7/33 P.M. Moonsets 11/3

Sasthi. Today one of books deposited with the Director of the Institute of Religions & Social Studies Broadway & 22nd St. Junction. It is settled that the Director will directly deposit the value in the Bank.

Subway & Bus fare .45

Mike proposed to become a Vaishnava and married with his girl friend.

Today while I was about to go to Karl's place, Paul implored me that if required he would go away this loft is mine. I was pleased hear all these from the young boy. So I stopped leaving of this place. Karl took the trouble of bringing back my bags.

Friday 24 June

Friday 24 June

Sunrise: 4/32 a.m. Sunset: 7/33 P.M. Moonsets -

Saptami. Today I applied for the post Box. One letter posted to Brahmachary Mangalniloy deprecating is views that talk of cooperation can be raised only after his coming in the country. In the morning I saw Mike's loft. Paul appears to be little changed. In the evening there was meeting and the attendance is about 12 and the contribution was only $6.40 book collection was only $1.00 one Mr. Grand took one set of books. He desires to pay gradually. In the evening I paid Paul $1.00 for expenditure.

Income - 7.40

Expenditure - 1.00

Dr. Mishra informed about my tooth sticks.

Saturday 25 June

Saturday 25 June

Sunrise: 4/32 Sunset. 7/33 Moonsets 0/05


Sunday 26 June

Sunday 26 June

Sunrise: 4/33 Sunset 7/33 Moonset. 0/30


Monday 27 June

Monday 27 June

Sunrise 4/33 Sunset 7/33 Moonset. 0/55


Tuesday 28 June

Tuesday 28 June

Sunrise: 4/34. Sunset: 7/33. Moonset. 1/23


Wednesday 29 June

Wednesday 29 June


Thursday 30 June

Thursday 30 June
