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SB 9.22.44-45

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXTS 44-45

daṇḍapāṇir nimis tasya
kṣemako bhavitā yataḥ
brahma-kṣatrasya vai yonir
vaṁśo devarṣi-satkṛtaḥ
kṣemakaṁ prāpya rājānaṁ
saṁsthāṁ prāpsyati vai kalau
atha māgadha-rājāno
bhāvino ye vadāmi te


daṇḍapāṇiḥ—Daṇḍapāṇi; nimiḥ—Nimi; tasya—from him (Mahīnara); kṣemakaḥ—a son named Kṣemaka; bhavitā—will take birth; yataḥ—from whom (Nimi); brahma-kṣatrasya—of brāhmaṇas and kṣatriyas; vai—indeed; yoniḥ—the source; vaṁśaḥ—the dynasty; deva-ṛṣi-satkṛtaḥ—respected by great saintly persons and demigods; kṣemakam—King Kṣemaka; prāpya—up to this point; rājānam—the monarch; saṁsthām—an end to them; prāpsyati—there will be; vai—indeed; kalau—in this Kali-yuga; atha—thereafter; māgadha-rājānaḥ—the kings in the Māgadha dynasty; bhāvinaḥ—the future; ye—all those who; vadāmi—I shall explain; te—unto you.


The son of Mahīnara will be Daṇḍapāṇi, and his son will be Nimi, from whom King Kṣemaka will be born. I have now described to you the moon-god's dynasty, which is the source of brāhmaṇas and kṣatriyas and is worshiped by demigods and great saints. In this Kali-yuga, Kṣemaka will be the last monarch. Now I shall describe to you the future of the Māgadha dynasty. Please listen.

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