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SB 9.22.46-48

(Redirected from SB 9.22.46)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXTS 46-48

bhavitā sahadevasya
mārjārir yac chrutaśravāḥ
tato yutāyus tasyāpi
niramitro 'tha tat-sutaḥ
sunakṣatraḥ sunakṣatrād
bṛhatseno 'tha karmajit
tataḥ sutañjayād vipraḥ
śucis tasya bhaviṣyati
kṣemo 'tha suvratas tasmād
dharmasūtraḥ samas tataḥ
dyumatseno 'tha sumatiḥ
subalo janitā tataḥ


bhavitā — will take birth; sahadevasya — the son of Sahadeva; mārjāriḥ — Mārjāri; yat — his son; śrutaśravāḥ — Śrutaśravā; tataḥ — from him; yutāyuḥ — Yutāyu; tasya — his son; api — also; niramitraḥ — Niramitra; atha — thereafter; tat-sutaḥ — his son; sunakṣatraḥ — Sunakṣatra; sunakṣatrāt — from Sunakṣatra; bṛhatsenaḥ — Bṛhatsena; atha — from him; karmajit — Karmajit; tataḥ — from him; sutañjayāt — from Sutañjaya; vipraḥ — Vipra; śuciḥ — a son named Śuci; tasya — from him; bhaviṣyati — will take birth; kṣemaḥ — a son named Kṣema; atha — thereafter; suvrataḥ — a son named Suvrata; tasmāt — from him; dharmasūtraḥ — Dharmasūtra; samaḥ — Sama; tataḥ — from him; dyumatsenaḥ — Dyumatsena; atha — thereafter; sumatiḥ — Sumati; subalaḥ — Subala; janitā — will take birth; tataḥ — thereafter.


Sahadeva, the son of Jarāsandha, will have a son named Mārjāri. From Mārjāri will come Śrutaśravā; from Śrutaśravā, Yutāyu; and from Yutāyu, Niramitra. The son of Niramitra will be Sunakṣatra, from Sunakṣatra will come Bṛhatsena, and from Bṛhatsena, Karmajit. The son of Karmajit will be Sutañjaya, the son of Sutañjaya will be Vipra, and his son will be Śuci. The son of Śuci will be Kṣema, the son of Kṣema will be Suvrata, and the son of Suvrata will be Dharmasūtra. From Dharmasūtra will come Sama; from Sama, Dyumatsena; from Dyumatsena, Sumati; and from Sumati, Subala.

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