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CC Madhya 22.150 (1975)

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His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Below is the 1996 edition text, ready to be substituted with the 1975 one using the compile form.

TEXT 150

iṣṭe svārasikī rāgaḥ
paramāviṣṭatā bhavet
tan-mayī yā bhaved bhaktiḥ
sātra rāgātmikoditā


iṣṭe—unto the desired object of life; svā-rasikī—appropriate for one’s own original aptitude of love; rāgaḥ—attachment; parama-āviṣṭatā—absorption in the service of the Lord; bhavet—is; tat-mayī—consisting of that transcendental attachment; yā—which; bhavet—is; bhaktiḥ—devotional service; sā—that; atra—here; rāgātmikā-uditā—called rāgātmikā, or spontaneous devotional service.


“‘When one becomes attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to one’s natural inclination to love Him and is fully absorbed in thoughts of the Lord, that state is called transcendental attachment, and devotional service according to that attachment is called rāgātmikā, or spontaneous devotional service.’


This verse is found in the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu (1.2.272).