SB 6.13.2
- devarṣi-pitṛ-bhūtāni
- daityā devānugāḥ svayam
- pratijagmuḥ sva-dhiṣṇyāni
- brahmeśendrādayas tataḥ
deva—demigods; ṛṣi—great saintly persons; pitṛ—the inhabitants of Pitṛloka; bhūtāni—and the other living entities; daityāḥ—demons; deva-anugāḥ—the inhabitants of other planets following the principles of the demigods; svayam—independently (without asking permission from Indra); pratijagmuḥ—returned; sva-dhiṣṇyāni—to their respective planets and homes; brahma—Lord Brahmā; īśa—Lord Śiva; indra-ādayaḥ—and the demigods headed by Indra; tataḥ—thereafter.
Thereafter, the demigods, the great saintly persons, the inhabitants of Pitṛloka and Bhūtaloka, the demons, the followers of the demigods, and also Lord Brahmā, Lord Śiva and the demigods subordinate to Indra all returned to their respective homes. While departing, however, no one spoke to Indra.
In this connection Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura comments:
- brahmeśendrādaya iti; indrasya sva-dhiṣṇya-gamanaṁ nopapadyate
- vṛtra-vadha-kṣaṇa eva brahma-hatyopadrava-prāpteḥ;
- tasmāt tata ity anena mānasa-sarovarād āgatya
- pravartitād aśvamedhāt parata iti vyākhyeyam.
Lord Brahmā, Lord Śiva and the other demigods returned to their respective abodes, but Indra did not, for he was disturbed at having killed Vṛtrāsura, who was actually a brāhmaṇa. After killing Vṛtrāsura, Indra went to the Mānasa-sarovara Lake to become free from sinful reactions. When he left the lake, he performed an aśvamedha-yajña and then returned to his own abode.