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Talk:730802 - Letter to Gurudasa written from Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK

Use of [sic]<ref>See the article about [sic] at Wikipedia</ref> to transcribe apparently incorrect words

This letter is typed like this:

Yes! why not? You may write yo [sic] the other temples and ask them to contribute something to the program, that is approved by me.

Note that the word yo is used incorrectly instead of to. Therefore by using yo [sic] we can indicate the transcription is true to the source. Also note that the word sic is italicized. Example:

Yes! why not? You may write yo [sic] the other temples and ask them to contribute something to the program, that is approved by me.

However, in cases like this where it is apparent what the correct word should be, we could choose to ommit [sic] and instead place the correct word in brackets. Example:

Yes! why not? You may write yo [to] the other temples and ask them to contribute something to the program, that is approved by me.

There are other ways to deal with this, but for the sake of simplicity, the above 2 examples should help our prooofreaders.
