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SB 9.24.6-8

(Redirected from SB 9.24.8)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


puruhotras tv anoḥ putras
tasyāyuḥ sātvatas tataḥ
bhajamāno bhajir divyo
vṛṣṇir devāvṛdho 'ndhakaḥ
sātvatasya sutāḥ sapta
mahābhojaś ca māriṣa
bhajamānasya nimlociḥ
kiṅkaṇo dhṛṣṭir eva ca
ekasyām ātmajāḥ patnyām
anyasyāṁ ca trayaḥ sutāḥ
śatājic ca sahasrājid
ayutājid iti prabho


puruhotraḥ — Puruhotra; tu — indeed; anoḥ — of Anu; putraḥ — the son; tasya — of him (Puruhotra); ayuḥ — Ayu; sātvataḥ — Sātvata; tataḥ — from him (Ayu); bhajamānaḥ — Bhajamāna; bhajiḥ — Bhaji; divyaḥ — Divya; vṛṣṇiḥ — Vṛṣṇi; devāvṛdhaḥ — Devāvṛdha; andhakaḥ — Andhaka; sātvatasya — of Sātvata; sutāḥ — son s; sapta — seven; mahābhojaḥ ca — as well as Mahābhoja; māriṣa — O great King; bhajamānasya — of Bhajamāna; nimlociḥ — Nimloci; kiṅkaṇaḥ — Kiṅkaṇa; dhṛṣṭiḥ — Dhṛṣṭi; eva — indeed; ca — also; ekasyām — born from one wife; ātmajāḥ — sons; patnyām — by a wife; anyasyām — another; ca — also; trayaḥ — three; sutāḥ — sons; śatājit — Śatājit; ca — also; sahasrājit — Sahasrājit; ayutājit — Ayutājit; iti — thus; prabho — O King.


The son of Anu was Puruhotra, the son of Puruhotra was Ayu, and the son of Ayu was Sātvata. O great Āryan King, Sātvata had seven sons, named Bhajamāna, Bhaji, Divya, Vṛṣṇi, Devāvṛdha, Andhaka and Mahābhoja. From Bhajamāna by one wife came three sons—Nimloci, Kiṅkaṇa and Dhṛṣṭi. And from his other wife came three other sons—Śatājit, Sahasrājit and Ayutājit.

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