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SB 9.24.3-4

(Redirected from SB 9.24.4)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


krathasya kuntiḥ putro 'bhūd
vṛṣṇis tasyātha nirvṛtiḥ
tato daśārho nāmnābhūt
tasya vyomaḥ sutas tataḥ
jīmūto vikṛtis tasya
yasya bhīmarathaḥ sutaḥ
tato navarathaḥ putro
jāto daśarathas tataḥ


krathasya — of Kratha; kuntiḥ — Kunti; putraḥ — a son; abhūt — was born; vṛṣṇiḥ — Vṛṣṇi; tasya — his; atha — then; nirvṛtiḥ — Nirvṛti; tataḥ — from him; daśārhaḥ — Daśārha; nāmnā — by name; abhūt — was born; tasya — of him; vyomaḥ — Vyoma; sutaḥ — a son; tataḥ — from him; jīmūtaḥ — Jīmūta; vikṛtiḥ — Vikṛti; tasya — his (Jīmūta's son); yasya — of whom (Vikṛti); bhīmarathaḥ — Bhīmaratha; sutaḥ — a son; tataḥ — from him (Bhīmaratha); navarathaḥ — Navaratha; putraḥ — a son; jātaḥ — was born; daśarathaḥ — Daśaratha; tataḥ — from him.


The son of Kratha was Kunti; the son of Kunti, Vṛṣṇi; the son of Vṛṣṇi, Nirvṛti; and the son of Nirvṛti, Daśārha. From Daśārha came Vyoma; from Vyoma came Jīmūta; from Jīmūta, Vikṛti; from Vikṛti, Bhīmaratha; from Bhīmaratha, Navaratha; and from Navaratha, Daśaratha.

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