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SB 8.12.29-30

(Redirected from SB 8.12.29)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXTS 29-30

sopagūḍhā bhagavatā
kariṇā kariṇī yathā
itas tataḥ prasarpantī
ātmānaṁ mocayitvāṅga
prādravat sā pṛthu-śroṇī
māyā deva-vinirmitā


— the woman; upagūḍhā — being captured and embraced; bhagavatā — by Lord Śiva; kariṇā — by a male elephant; kariṇī — a she-elephant; yathā — as; itaḥ tataḥ — here and there; prasarpantī — swirling like a snake; viprakīrṇa — scattered; śiroruhā — all the hair on Her head; ātmānam — Herself; mocayitvā — releasing; aṅga — O King; sura-ṛṣabha — of the best of the demigods (Lord Śiva); bhuja-antarāt — from the entanglement in the midst of the arms; prādravat — began to run very fast; — She; pṛthu-śroṇī — bearing very large hips; māyā — internal potency; deva-vinirmitā — exhibited by the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


Being embraced by Lord Śiva like a female elephant embraced by a male, the woman, whose hair was scattered, swirled like a snake. O King, this woman, who had large, high hips, was a woman of yogamāyā presented by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She released Herself somehow or other from the fond embrace of Lord Śiva's arms and ran away.

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