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SB 7.15.48-49

(Redirected from SB 7.15.49)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXTS 48-49

hiṁsraṁ dravyamayaṁ kāmyam
darśaś ca pūrṇamāsaś ca
cāturmāsyaṁ paśuḥ sutaḥ
etad iṣṭaṁ pravṛttākhyaṁ
hutaṁ prahutam eva ca
pūrtaṁ surālayārāma-


hiṁsram — a system of killing and sacrificing animals; dravya-mayam — requiring much paraphernalia; kāmyam — full of unlimited material desires; agni-hotra-ādi — ritualistic ceremonies such as the agni-hotra-yajña; aśānti-dam — causing anxieties; darśaḥ — the darśa ritualistic ceremony; ca — and; pūrṇamāsaḥ — the pūrṇamāsa ritualistic ceremony; ca — also; cāturmāsyam — observing four months of regulative principles; paśuḥ — the ceremony of sacrificing animals or paśu-yajña; sutaḥ — the soma-yajña; etat — of all this; iṣṭam — the goal; pravṛtta-ākhyam — known as material attachment; hutam — Vaiśvadeva, an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; prahutam — a ceremony called Baliharaṇa; eva — indeed; ca — also; pūrtam — for the benefit of the public; sura-ālaya — constructing temples for demigods; ārāma — resting houses and gardens; kūpa — digging wells; ājīvya-ādi — activities like distributing food and water; lakṣaṇam — symptoms.


The ritualistic ceremonies and sacrifices known as agni-hotra-yajña, darśa-yajña, pūrṇamāsa-yajña, cāturmāsya-yajña, paśu-yajña and soma-yajña are all symptomized by the killing of animals and the burning of many valuables, especially food grains, all for the fulfillment of material desires and the creation of anxiety. Performing such sacrifices, worshiping Vaiśvadeva, and performing the ceremony of Baliharaṇa, which all supposedly constitute the goal of life, as well as constructing temples for demigods, building resting houses and gardens, digging wells for the distribution of water, establishing booths for the distribution of food, and performing activities for public welfare—these are all symptomized by attachment to material desires.

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