SB 6.8.30
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
- sarvāpadbhyo harer nāma-
- rūpa-yānāyudhāni naḥ
- buddhīndriya-manaḥ-prāṇān
- pāntu pārṣada-bhūṣaṇāḥ
sarva-āpadbhyaḥ — from all kinds of danger; hareḥ — of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; nāma — the holy name; rūpa — the transcendental form; yāna — the carriers; āyudhāni — and all the weapons; naḥ — our; buddhi — intelligence; indriya — senses; manaḥ — mind; prāṇān — life air; pāntu — may they protect and maintain; pārṣada-bhūṣaṇāḥ — the decorations who are personal associates.
May the Supreme Personality of Godhead's holy names, His transcendental forms, His carriers and all the weapons decorating Him as personal associates protect our intelligence, senses, mind and life air from all dangers.
There are various associates of the transcendental Personality of Godhead, and His weapons and carrier are among them. In the spiritual world, nothing is material. The sword, bow, club, disc and everything decorating the personal body of the Lord are spiritual living force. Therefore the Lord is called advaya jñāna, indicating that there is no difference between Him and His names, forms, qualities, weapons and so on. Anything pertaining to Him is in the same category of spiritual existence. They are all engaged in the service of the Lord in varieties of spiritual forms.