SB 6.6.10-11
(Redirected from SB 6.6.10)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXTS 10-11
- saṅkalpāyās tu saṅkalpaḥ
- kāmaḥ saṅkalpajaḥ smṛtaḥ
- vasavo 'ṣṭau vasoḥ putrās
- teṣāṁ nāmāni me śṛṇu
- droṇaḥ prāṇo dhruvo 'rko 'gnir
- doṣo vāstur vibhāvasuḥ
- droṇasyābhimateḥ patnyā
- harṣa-śoka-bhayādayaḥ
saṅkalpāyāḥ — from the womb of Saṅkalpā; tu — but; saṅkalpaḥ — Saṅkalpa; kāmaḥ — Kāma; saṅkalpa-jaḥ — the son of Saṅkalpā; smṛtaḥ — known; vasavaḥ aṣṭau — the eight Vasus; vasoḥ — of Vasu; putrāḥ — the sons; teṣām — of them; nāmāni — the names; me — from me; śṛṇu — just hear; droṇaḥ — Droṇa; prāṇaḥ — Prāṇa; dhruvaḥ — Dhruva; arkaḥ — Arka; agniḥ — Agni; doṣaḥ — Doṣa; vāstuḥ — Vāstu; vibhāvasuḥ — Vibhāvasu; droṇasya — of Droṇa; abhimateḥ — from Abhimati; patnyāḥ — the wife; harṣa-śoka-bhaya-ādayaḥ — the sons named Harṣa, Śoka, Bhaya and so on.
The son of Saṅkalpā was known as Saṅkalpa, and from him lust was born. The sons of Vasu were known as the eight Vasus. Just hear their names from me: Droṇa, Prāṇa, Dhruva, Arka, Agni, Doṣa, Vāstu and Vibhāvasu. From Abhimati, the wife of the Vasu named Droṇa, were generated the sons named Harṣa, Śoka, Bhaya and so on.