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SB 6.18.12-13

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXTS 12-13

hiraṇyakaśipor bhāryā
kayādhur nāma dānavī
jambhasya tanayā sā tu
suṣuve caturaḥ sutān
saṁhrādaṁ prāg anuhrādaṁ
hrādaṁ prahrādam eva ca
tat-svasā siṁhikā nāma
rāhuṁ vipracito 'grahīt


hiraṇyakaśipoḥ — of Hiraṇyakaśipu; bhāryā — the wife; kayādhuḥ — Kayādhu; nāma — named; dānavī — descendant of Danu; jambhasya — of Jambha; tanayā — daughter; — she; tu — indeed; suṣuve — gave birth to; caturaḥ — four; sutān — sons; saṁhrādam — Saṁhlāda; prāk — first; anuhrādam — Anuhlāda; hrādam — Hlāda; prahrādam — Prahlāda; eva — also; ca — and; tat-svasā — his sister; siṁhikāSiṁhikā; nāma — named; rāhum — Rāhu; vipracitaḥ — from Vipracit; agrahīt — received.


The wife of Hiraṇyakaśipu was known as Kayādhu. She was the daughter of Jambha and a descendant of Danu. She gave birth to four consecutive sons, known as Saṁhlāda, Anuhlāda, Hlāda and Prahlāda. The sister of these four sons was known as Siṁhikā. She married the demon named Vipracit and gave birth to another demon, named Rāhu.

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