SB 4.9.42-43
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXTS 42-43
- taṁ dṛṣṭvopavanābhyāśa
- āyāntaṁ tarasā rathāt
- avaruhya nṛpas tūrṇam
- āsādya prema-vihvalaḥ
- parirebhe 'ṅgajaṁ dorbhyāṁ
- dīrghotkaṇṭha-manāḥ śvasan
- viṣvaksenāṅghri-saṁsparśa-
- hatāśeṣāgha-bandhanam
tam — him (Dhruva Mahārāja); dṛṣṭvā — having seen; upavana — the small forest; abhyāśe — near; āyāntam — returning; tarasā — with great haste; rathāt — from the chariot; avaruhya — got down; nṛpaḥ — the King; tūrṇam — immediately; āsādya — coming near; prema — with love; vihvalaḥ — overwhelmed; parirebhe — he embraced; aṅga-jam — his son; dorbhyām — with his arms; dīrgha — for a long time; utkaṇṭha — anxious; manāḥ — the King, whose mind; śvasan — breathing heavily; viṣvaksena — of the Lord; aṅghri — by the lotus feet; saṁsparśa — being touched; hata — were destroyed; aśeṣa — unlimited; agha — material contamination; bandhanam — whose bondage.
Upon seeing Dhruva Mahārāja approaching the neighboring small forest, King Uttānapāda with great haste got down from his chariot. He had been very anxious for a long time to see his son Dhruva, and therefore with great love and affection he went forward to embrace his long-lost boy. Breathing very heavily, the King embraced him with both arms. But Dhruva Mahārāja was not the same as before; he was completely sanctified by spiritual advancement due to having been touched by the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.