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SB 3.23.28

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada


snānena tāṁ mahārheṇa
snāpayitvā manasvinīm
dukūle nirmale nūtne
dadur asyai ca mānadāḥ


snānena — with bathing oils; tām — her; mahā-arheṇa — very costly; snāpayitvā — after bathing; manasvinīm — the virtuous wife; dukūle — in fine cloth; nirmalespotless; nūtne — new; daduḥ — they gave; asyai — to her; ca — and; māna-dāḥ — the respectful girls.


The girls, being very respectful to Devahūti, brought her forth, and after bathing her with valuable oils and ointments, they gave her fine, new, spotless cloth to cover her body.

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