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SB 11.27.38-41

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda

TEXTS 38-41

lasac-catur-bhujaṁ śāntaṁ
śrīvatsa-vakṣasaṁ bhrājat-
kaustubhaṁ vana-mālinam
dhyāyann abhyarcya dārūṇi
haviṣābhighṛtāni ca
prāsyājya-bhāgāv āghārau
dattvā cājya-plutaṁ haviḥ
juhuyān mūla-mantreṇa
dharmādibhyo yathā-nyāyaṁ
mantraiḥ sviṣṭi-kṛtaṁ budhaḥ


tapta — molten; jāmbū-nada — of gold; prakhyam — the color; śaṅkha — with His conchshell; cakra — disc; gadāclub; ambujaiḥ — and lotus flower; lasat — brilliant; catuḥ-bhujam — having four arms; śāntam — peaceful; padma — of a lotus; kiñjalka — colored like the filaments; vāsasam — His garment; sphurat — shining; kirīṭa — helmet; kaṭaka — bracelets; kati-sūtra — belt; vara-aṅgadam — fine ornaments on the arms; śrī-vatsa — the emblem of the goddess of fortune; vakṣasam — upon His chest; bhrājat — effulgent; kaustubham — the Kaustubha gem; vana-mālinam — wearing a flower garland; dhyāyan — meditating upon Him; abhyarcya — performing worship of Him; dārūṇi — pieces of dry wood; haviṣā — with the purified butter; abhighṛtāni — soaked; ca — and; prāsya — throwing into the fire; ājya — of the ghee; bhāgau — the two designated portions; āghārau — in the course of performing the āghāra ritual; dattvā — offering; ca — and; ājya — with ghee; plutam — drenched; haviḥ — various oblations; juhuyāt — one should offer into the fire; mūla-mantreṇa — with the primary mantras naming each deity; ṣoḍaśa-ṛcā — with the hymn Puruṣa-sūkta, consisting of sixteen lines of verse; avadānataḥ — pouring an oblation after each line; dharma-ādibhyaḥ — to the demigods, beginning with Yamarāja; yathā-nyāyam — in the proper order; mantraiḥ — with the specific mantras naming each demigod; sviṣṭi-kṛtam — the ritual of this name; budhaḥ — the intelligent devotee.

Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda


The intelligent devotee should meditate upon that form of the Lord whose color is like molten gold, whose four arms are resplendent with the conchshell, disc, club and lotus flower, and who is always peaceful and dressed in a garment colored like the filaments within a lotus flower. His helmet, bracelets, belt and fine arm ornaments shine brilliantly. The symbol of Śrīvatsa is on His chest, along with the glowing Kaustubha gem and a garland of forest flowers. The devotee should then worship that Lord by taking pieces of firewood soaked in the sacrificial ghee and throwing them into the fire. He should perform the ritual of āghāra, presenting into the fire the various items of oblation drenched in ghee. He should then offer to sixteen demigods, beginning with Yamarāja, the oblation called sviṣṭi-kṛt, reciting the basic mantras of each deity and the sixteen-line Puruṣa-sūkta hymn. Pouring one oblation after each line of the Puruṣa-sūkta, he should utter the particular mantra naming each deity.

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