SB 11.14.36-42
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
TEXTS 36-42
- hṛt-puṇḍarīkam antaḥ-stham
- ūrdhva-nālam adho-mukham
- dhyātvordhva-mukham unnidram
- aṣṭa-patraṁ sa-karṇikam
- karṇikāyāṁ nyaset sūrya-
- somāgnīn uttarottaram
- vahni-madhye smared rūpaṁ
- mamaitad dhyāna-maṅgalam
- samaṁ praśāntaṁ su-mukhaṁ
- dīrgha-cāru-catur-bhujam
- su-cāru-sundara-grīvaṁ
- su-kapolaṁ śuci-smitam
- samāna-karṇa-vinyasta-
- sphuran-makara-kuṇḍalam
- hemāmbaraṁ ghana-śyāmaṁ
- śrīvatsa-śrī-niketanam
- śaṅkha-cakra-gadā-padma-
- vanamālā-
- nūpurair vilasat-pādaṁ
- kaustubha-prabhayā yutam
- dyumat-kirīṭa-kaṭaka-
- kaṭi-sūtrāṅgadāyutam
- sarvāṅga-sundaraṁ hṛdyaṁ
- prasāda-sumukhekṣanam
- su-kumāram abhidhyāyet
- sarvāṅgeṣu mano dadhat
- indriyāṇīndriyārthebhyo
- manasākṛṣya tan manaḥ
- buddhyā sārathinā dhīraḥ
- praṇayen mayi sarvataḥ
hṛt — in the heart; puṇḍarīkam — lotus flower; antaḥ-stham — situated within the body; ūrdhva-nālam — having erected the lotus stalk; adhaḥ-mukham — with eyes half closed, staring at the tip of the nose; dhyātvā — having fixed the mind in meditation; ūrdhva-mukham — enlivened; unnidram — alert without dozing off; aṣṭa-patram — with eight petals; sa-karṇikam — with the whorl of the lotus; karṇikāyām — within the whorl; nyaset — one should place by concentration; sūrya — the sun; soma — moon; agnīn — and fire; uttara-uttaram — in order, one after the other; vahni-madhye — within the fire; smaret — one should meditate; rūpam — upon the form; mama — My; etat — this; dhyāna-maṅgalam — the auspicious object of meditation; samam — balanced, all the parts of the body proportionate; praśāntam — gentle; su-mukham — cheerful; dīrgha-cāru-catuḥ-bhujam — having four beautiful long arms; su-cāru — charming; sundara — beautiful; grīvam — neck; su-kapolam — beautiful forehead; śuci-smitam — having a pure smile; samāna — alike; karṇa — in the two ears; vinyasta — situated; sphurat — glowing; makara — shaped like sharks; kuṇḍalam — earrings; hema — golden colored; ambaram — dress; ghana-śyāmam — the color of a dark rain cloud; śrī-vatsa — the unique curl of hair on the Lord's chest; śrī-niketanam — the abode of the goddess of fortune; śaṅkha — with the conchshell; cakra — Sudarśana disc; gadā — club; padma — lotus; vana-mālā — and a garland of forest flowers; vibhūṣitam — decorated; nūpuraiḥ — with ankle bells and bracelets; vilasat — shining; pādam — the lotus feet; kaustubha — of the Kaustubha gem; prabhayā — with the effulgence; yutam — enriched; dyumat — shining; kirīṭa — crown or helmet; kaṭaka — gold bracelets; kaṭi-sūtra — a band for the waist or upper hip; aṅgada — bracelets; āyutam — equipped with; sarva-aṅga — all the parts of the body; sundaram — beautiful; hṛdyam — charming; prasāda — with mercy; sumukha — smiling; īkṣaṇam — His glance; su-kumāram — most delicate; abhidhyāyet — one should meditate; sarva-aṅgeṣu — in all the parts of the body; manaḥ — the mind; dadhat — placing; indriyāṇi — the material senses; indriya-arthebhyaḥ — from the object of the senses; manasā — by the mind; ākṛṣya — pulling back; tat — that; manaḥ — mind; buddhyā — by intelligence; sārathinā — which is like the driver of a chariot; dhīraḥ — being grave and self-controlled; praṇayet — one should strongly lead; mayi — unto Me; sarvataḥ — in all limbs of the body.
Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
Keeping the eyes half closed and fixed on the tip of one's nose, being enlivened and alert, one should meditate on the lotus flower situated within the heart. This lotus has eight petals and is situated on an erect lotus stalk. One should meditate on the sun, moon and fire, placing them one after the other within the whorl of that lotus flower. Placing My transcendental form within the fire, one should meditate upon it as the auspicious goal of all meditation. That form is perfectly proportioned, gentle and cheerful. It possesses four beautiful long arms, a charming, beautiful neck, a handsome forehead, a pure smile and glowing, shark-shaped earrings suspended from two identical ears. That spiritual form is the color of a dark rain cloud and is garbed in golden-yellowish silk. The chest of that form is the abode of Śrīvatsa and the goddess of fortune, and that form is also decorated with a conchshell, disc, club, lotus flower and garland of forest flowers. The two brilliant lotus feet are decorated with ankle bells and bracelets, and that form exhibits the Kaustubha gem along with an effulgent crown. The upper hips are beautified by a golden belt, and the arms are decorated with valuable bracelets. All of the limbs of that beautiful form capture the heart, and the face is beautified by merciful glancing. Pulling the senses back from the sense objects, one should be grave and self-controlled and should use the intelligence to strongly fix the mind upon all of the limbs of My transcendental body. Thus one should meditate upon that most delicate transcendental form of Mine.
Lord Kṛṣṇa here answers Uddhava's question concerning the correct procedure, nature and object of meditation for those desiring liberation.