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SB 10.85.32-33

(Redirected from SB 10.85.33)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda

TEXTS 32-33

cirān mṛta-sutādāne
guruṇā kila coditau
āninyathuḥ pitṛ-sthānād
gurave guru-dakṣiṇām
tathā me kurutaṁ kāmaṁ
yuvāṁ yogeśvareśvarau
bhoja-rāja-hatān putrān
kāmaye draṣṭum āhṛtān


cirāt — for a long time; mṛta — dead; suta — the son; ādāne — to return; guruṇā — by Your spiritual master; kila — it has been heard; coditau — ordered; āninyathuḥ — You brought him; pitṛ — of the forefathers; sthānāt — from the place; gurave — to Your spiritual master; guru-dakṣiṇām — as a token of thanksgiving for Your guru's mercy; tathā — in the same way; me — my; kurutam — please fulfill; kāmam — the desire; yuvām — You two; yoga-īśvara — of the masters of yoga; īśvarau — O masters; bhoja-rāja — by the King of Bhoja (Kaṁsa); hatān — killed; putrān — my sons; kāmaye — I wish; draṣṭum — to see; āhṛtān — brought back.

Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda


It is said that when Your spiritual master ordered You to retrieve his long-dead son, You brought him back from the forefathers' abode as a token of remuneration for Your guru's mercy. Please fulfill my desire in the same way, O supreme masters of all yoga masters. Please bring back my sons who were killed by the King of Bhoja, so that I may see them once again.

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