SB 10.81.29-32
(Redirected from SB 10.81.32)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
TEXTS 29-32
- payaḥ-phena-nibhāḥ śayyā
- dāntā rukma-paricchadāḥ
- paryaṅkā hema-daṇḍāni
- cāmara-vyajanāni ca
- āsanāni ca haimāni
- mṛdūpastaraṇāni ca
- muktādāma-vilambīni
- vitānāni dyumanti ca
- svaccha-sphaṭika-kuḍyeṣu
- mahā-mārakateṣu ca
- ratna-dīpān bhrājamānān
- lalanā ratna-saṁyutāḥ
- vilokya brāhmaṇas tatra
- samṛddhīḥ sarva-sampadām
- tarkayām āsa nirvyagraḥ
- sva-samṛddhim ahaitukīm
payaḥ — of milk; phena — the foam; nibhāḥ — resembling; śayyāḥ — beds; dāntāḥ — made of elephant tusks; rukma — golden; paricchadāḥ — whose ornamentation; paryaṅkāḥ — couches; hema — of gold; daṇḍāni — whose legs; cāmara-vyajanāni — yak-tail fans; ca — and; āsanāni — chairs; ca — and; haimāni — golden; mṛdu — soft; upastaraṇāni — cushions; ca — and; muktā-dāma — with strings of pearls; vilambīni — hanging; vitānāni — canopies; dyumanti — gleaming; ca — and; svaccha — clear; sphaṭika — of crystal glass; kuḍyeṣu — upon the walls; mahā-mārakateṣu — with precious emeralds; ca — also; ratna — jeweled; dīpān — lamps; bhrājamānān — shining; lalanāḥ — women; ratna — with jewels; saṁyutāḥ — decorated; vilokya — seeing; brāhmaṇaḥ — the brāhmaṇa; tatra — there; samṛddhīḥ — the flourishing; sarva — all; sampadām — of opulences; tarkayām āsa — he conjectured; nirvyagraḥ — free from agitation; sva — his own; samṛddhim — about the prosperity; ahaitukīm — unexpected.
Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
In Sudāmā's home were beds as soft and white as the foam of milk, with bedsteads made of ivory and ornamented with gold. There were also couches with golden legs, as well as royal cāmara fans, golden thrones, soft cushions and gleaming canopies hung with strings of pearls. Upon the walls of sparkling crystal glass, inlaid with precious emeralds, shone jeweled lamps, and the women in the palace were all adorned with precious gems. As he viewed this luxurious opulence of all varieties, the brāhmaṇa calmly reasoned to himself about his unexpected prosperity.