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SB 10.8.37-39

(Redirected from SB 10.8.37)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXTS 37-39

sā tatra dadṛśe viśvaṁ
jagat sthāsnu ca khaṁ diśaḥ
jyotiś-cakraṁ jalaṁ tejo
nabhasvān viyad eva ca
mano mātrā guṇās trayaḥ
etad vicitraṁ saha-jīva-kāla-
sūnos tanau vīkṣya vidāritāsye
vrajaṁ sahātmānam avāpa śaṅkām


— mother Yaśodā; tatra — within the wide-open mouth of Kṛṣṇa; dadṛśe — saw; viśvam — the whole universe; jagat — moving entities; sthāsnu — maintenance of nonmoving entities; ca — and; kham — the sky; diśaḥ — the directions; sa-adri — with the mountains; dvīpa — islands; abdhi — and oceans; bhū-golam — the surface of the earth; sa-vāyu — with the blowing wind; agni — fire; indu — the moon; tārakam — stars; jyotiḥ-cakram — the planetary systems; jalam — water; tejaḥ — light; nabhasvān — outer space; viyat — the sky; eva — also; ca — and; vaikārikāṇi — creation by transformation of ahaṅkāra; indriyāṇi — the senses; manaḥ — mind; mātrāḥ — sense perception; guṇāḥ trayaḥ — the three material qualities (sattva, rajas and tamas); etat — all these; vicitram — varieties; saha — along with; jīva-kāla — the duration of life of all living entities; svabhāva — natural instinct; karma-āśaya — resultant action and desire for material enjoyment; liṅga-bhedam — varieties of bodies according to desire; sūnoḥ tanau — in the body of her son; vīkṣya — seeing; vidārita-āsye — within the wide-open mouth; vrajam — Vṛndāvana-dhāma, Nanda Mahārāja's place; saha-ātmānam — along with herself; avāpa — was struck; śaṅkām — with all doubts and wonder.


When Kṛṣṇa opened His mouth wide by the order of mother Yaśodā, she saw within His mouth all moving and nonmoving entities, outer space, and all directions, along with mountains, islands, oceans, the surface of the earth, the blowing wind, fire, the moon and the stars. She saw the planetary systems, water, light, air, sky, and creation by transformation of ahaṅkāra. She also saw the senses, the mind, sense perception, and the three qualities goodness, passion and ignorance. She saw the time allotted for the living entities, she saw natural instinct and the reactions of karma, and she saw desires and different varieties of bodies, moving and nonmoving. Seeing all these aspects of the cosmic manifestation, along with herself and Vṛndāvana-dhāma, she became doubtful and fearful of her son's nature.


All the cosmic manifestations that exist on the gross and subtle elements, as well as the means of their agitation, the three guṇas, the living entity, creation, maintenance, annihilation and everything going on in the external energy of the Lord—all this comes from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda. Everything is within the control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gītā (BG 9.10). Mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sa-carācaram: everything in the material nature (prakṛti) works under His control. Because all these manifestations come from Govinda, they could all be visible within the mouth of Govinda. Quite astonishingly, mother Yaśodā was afraid because of intense maternal affection. She could not believe that within the mouth of her son such things could appear. Yet she saw them, and therefore she was struck with fear and wonder.

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