SB 10.79.19-21
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Please note: The synonyms, translation and purport of this verse were composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
TEXTS 19-21
- tato 'bhivrajya bhagavān
- keralāṁs tu trigartakān
- gokarṇākhyaṁ śiva-kṣetraṁ
- sānnidhyaṁ yatra dhūrjaṭeḥ
- āryāṁ dvaipāyanīṁ dṛṣṭvā
- śūrpārakam agād balaḥ
- tāpīṁ payoṣṇīṁ nirvindhyām
- upaspṛśyātha daṇḍakam
- praviśya revām agamad
- yatra māhiṣmatī purī
- manu-tīrtham upaspṛśya
- prabhāsaṁ punar āgamat
tataḥ — then; abhivrajya — traveling; bhagavān — the Supreme Lord; keralān — through the kingdom of Kerala; tu — and; trigartakān — Trigarta; gokarṇa-ākhyam — named Gokarṇa (on the coast of the Arabian Sea in northern Karnataka); śiva-kṣetram — the place sacred to Lord Śiva; sānnidhyam — manifestation; yatra — where; dhūrjaṭeḥ — of Lord Śiva; āryām — the honored goddess (Pārvatī, wife of Lord Śiva); dvaipa — on an island (off the coast near Gokarṇa); ayanīm — who resides; dṛṣṭvā — seeing; śūrpārakam — to the holy district of Śūrpāraka; agāt — went; balaḥ — Lord Balarāma; tāpīm payoṣṇīm nirvindhyām — to the Tāpī, Payoṣṇī and Nirvindhyā rivers; upaspṛśya — touching water; atha — next; daṇḍakam — the Daṇḍaka forest; praviśya — entering; revām — to the Revā River; agamat — He went; yatra — where; māhiṣmatī purī — the city of Māhiṣmatī; manu-tīrtham — to Manu-tīrtha; upaspṛśya — touching water; prabhāsam — to Prabhāsa; punaḥ — again; āgamat — He came.
Translation and purport composed by disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda
The Supreme Lord then traveled through the kingdoms of Kerala and Trigarta, visiting Lord Śiva's sacred city of Gokarṇa, where Lord Dhūrjaṭi [Śiva] directly manifests himself. After also visiting Goddess Pārvatī, who dwells on an island, Lord Balarāma went to the holy district of Śūrpāraka and bathed in the Tāpī, Payoṣṇī and Nirvindhyā rivers. He next entered the Daṇḍaka forest and went to the river Revā, along which the city of Māhiṣmatī is found. Then He bathed at Manu-tīrtha and finally returned to Prabhāsa.