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SB 10.6.15-17

(Redirected from SB 10.6.17)

His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

TEXTS 15-17

gaṇḍa-śaila-stanaṁ raudraṁ
santatrasuḥ sma tad vīkṣya
gopā gopyaḥ kalevaram
pūrvaṁ tu tan-niḥsvanita-


īṣā-mātra — like the front of a plow; ugra — fierce; daṁṣṭra — the teeth; āsyam — having a mouth in which; giri-kandara — like mountain caves; nāsikam — the nostrils of whom; gaṇḍa-śaila — like big slabs of stone; stanam — the breasts of whom; raudram — very fierce; prakīrṇa — scattered; aruṇa-mūrdha-jam — whose hair was the color of copper; andha-kūpa — like blind wells; gabhīra — deep; akṣam — eye sockets; pulina-āroha-bhīṣaṇam — whose thighs were fearful like the banks of a river; baddha-setu-bhuja-uru-aṅghri — whose arms, thighs and feet were strongly built bridges; śūnya-toya-hrada-udaram — whose abdomen was like a lake without water; santatrasuḥ sma — became frightened; tat — that; vīkṣya — seeing; gopāḥ — the cowherd men; gopyaḥ — and the cowherd women; kalevaram — such a gigantic body; pūrvam tu — before that; tat-niḥsvanita — because of her loud vibration; bhinna — were shocked; hṛt — whose hearts; karṇa — ears; mastakāḥ — and heads.


The Rākṣasī's mouth was full of teeth, each resembling the front of a plow, her nostrils were deep like mountain caves, and her breasts resembled big slabs of stone fallen from a hill. Her scattered hair was the color of copper. The sockets of her eyes appeared like deep blind wells, her fearful thighs resembled the banks of a river, her arms, legs and feet seemed like big bridges, and her abdomen appeared like a dried-up lake. The hearts, ears and heads of the cowherd men and women were already shocked by the Rākṣasī's screaming, and when they saw the fierce wonder of her body, they were even more frightened.

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