SB 10.1.52
- evaṁ vimṛśya taṁ pāpaṁ
- yāvad-ātmani-darśanam
- pūjayām āsa vai śaurir
- bahu-māna-puraḥsaram
evam — in this way; vimṛśya — after contemplating; tam — unto Kaṁsa; pāpam — the most sinful; yāvat — as far as possible; ātmani-darśanam — with all the intelligence possible within himself; pūjayām āsa — praised; vai — indeed; śauriḥ — Vasudeva; bahu-māna — offering all respect; puraḥsaram — before him.
After thus considering the matter as far as his knowledge would allow, Vasudeva submitted his proposal to the sinful Kaṁsa with great respect.