SB 1.9.17 (1964)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 17
Tasmat idam daivatantram bysbsya bharatarsava Tasya anubihito anatha natha pahi prajah prabho.
Tasmat—therefore, Idam—all these, Daivatantram—enchantment of the Providence only, Byabasya—ascertaining, Bharatarsava—the best amongst the descendants of Bharta, Tasya—His, Anuvihito—as desired by Him, Anatha—helpless, Natha—oh the master, Pahi—just take care of, Praja—of the subjects, Prabho—oh the Lord.
Oh the best amongst the decendants of Bharata, I say therefore, all these demonstrations are within the plan of the Lord. Accepting such inconceivable plan of the Lord, you must follow it. You are now the appointed administrative head and oh my Lord You may therefore take care of the subjects now rendered helpless.
The popular saying is that a housewife teaches the daughter-in-law by teaching the daughter. As such the Lord wants to teach the world by teaching the devotee. The devotee has not got to learn anything newly from the Lord because the Lord teaches the sincere devotee always from within. Whenever, therefore, a show is made to teach the devotee as it was in the case of teaching the Bhagwat Geeta, it means teaching the less intelligent men. A devotee's duty is, therefore, to accept tribulations from the side of the Lord as benediction without any faulty grudge. The Pandavas are advised, therefore, by Bhismadeva to accept the responsibility of administration without any hesitation. The poor subjects were so to say without any protection due to the battle of Kurukshetra and how they were awaiting the assumption of power by Maharaj Yudhisthir. A pure devotee of the Lord accepts as favor from the Lord when the Lord willingly offers tribulations upon him. The Lord being absolute there is no mundane difference between the two when they come from the Absolute.