SB 1.7.7 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 7
Yasyam bai suryamanayam krishne parama puruse Bhaktir utpadyatepumsah sokamoha bhaya apaha
Yasyam—this Vedic literature, Sruyamanayam—simply by giving aural reception, Krishne—unto Lord Krishna, Parama—supreme, Puruse—unto the Personality of Godhead, Bhaktir—feelings of devotional service, Utpadyate—sprouts up, Pumsah—of the living being, Loka—lamentation, Moha—illusion, Bhaya—fearfulness, Apaha—that which extinguishes.
Simply giving an aural reception to this Vedic literature the feelings for loving devotional service of the Lord Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead, sprouts up at once for extinguishing the fire of lamentation illusion and fearfulness.
There are various senses of the living being of which the ear is the most effective. This sense works even when a man is deep asleep. One can protect himself from the hands of enemy while awoken but while asleep one is protected by the ear only. As such partimatter cular importance of the organ for hearing is mentioned here in the of attaining the highest perfection of life namely to get free from three material pangs. Everyone is full of lamentation at every moment, he is after the mirage of illusory things and is always afraid of his supposed enemy. These are the primary symptoms of material diseases. And it is definitely suggested herein that simply by hearing the message of Srimad Bhagwatam one gets attachment for the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna and as soon as this is effected the symptoms of the material diseases disappear. Srila Vyasdeva saw the All Perfect Personality of Godhead and in this statement the All Perfect Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna is clearly confirmed.
The ultimate result of devotional service is to develop genuine love for the Supreme Personality. Love is a word which is strictly used in relation with man and woman. That is the etymological order in English language. And therefore love is the only word that can be properly used in relation with Lord Krishna and the living entities. The living entities are mentioned as Prakriti in the Bhagwat Geeta and in Sanskrit Prakriti is a femine object. The Lord is always described as the Parama Purusha or the Supreme Male Personality. As such the affection between the Lord and the living entities are of exactly like the male and the female. Therefore the word Love of Godhead by the living entities is quite appropriate.
Such loving devotional service of the Lord begins with hearing about the Lord. There is no difference between the Lord and the subject matter heard about Him. The Lord is Absolute in all respect and as such there is no difference between Him and the subject matter heard about Him. As such hearing about Him means immediate contact with Him by the process of vibration of the transcendental sound. And the transcendental sound is so effective that it acts at once in the matter of removing all material affections mentioned above. As mentioned hereinbefore, a living entity develops a sort of complexity by material association and the illusory encagement of material body is accepted as actual fact. Under such false complexity only the living beings under different categories of life become illusioned in different ways. Even in the most developed stage of human life the same illusion prevails in the form of a many isms and divide the loving relation with the Lord and thereby dividing the loving relation between man to man. By hearing the subject matter of Srimad Bhagwatam this false complexity of materialism is removed and the real peace of society begins which politicians aspire after so eagerly in so many political and fearful situation. The politician wants a peaceful situation between man to man, nation to nation but at the same time, on account of too much attachment for material domination, there are the illusion and fearfulness. Therefore the politicians' peace conferences cannot bring about peace in society. It can only be done by hearing the subject matter described in the Srimad Bhagwatam about the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna. The foolish politician may go on holding peace and summit conferences for hundreds of years still they will fail to achieve success. Because till we reach to the stage of establishing our lost relation with Krishna the illusion of accepting the body as the self will prevail and as such the complexity of fearfulness will also prevail. So far validity of Sri Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead there are hundreds and thousands of evidences from revealed scriptures and there are hundreds and thousands of evidences from personal experience of devotees in various places like Vrindaban, Nabadwipa, Puri and other places. Even in the Koumadi Dictionary the synonyms of Krishna is given as the son of Jasoda and the Supreme Personality of Godhead Parambrahman. The conclusion is that simply by hearing the Vedic literature Srimad Bhagwatam one can have direct connection with the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna and thereby one can attain the highest perfection of life in the form of dissipation of worldly miseries, illusion and fearfulness. These are practical tests for the one who has actually given a submissive aural reception to the readings of the Srimad Bhagwatam.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta Purports of the First Canto-part of the Seventh chapter of Srimad Bhagwatam in the matter of The Son of Drona punished.