SB 1.7.1 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 1
Sri Sounaka uvacha Nirgate narade suta bhagawan vadarayanah Shrutavans tad abhipretam tatah kim akorad bibhu
Sri Sounaka—of the name, Uvacha—said, Nirgate—having gone out, Narade—Narada Muni, Suta—oh suta, Bhagawan—the transcendentally powerful, Vadarayanah—Vedavyasa, Shrutavan—who heard, Tad—his, Abhipretam—desire of the mind, Tatah—thereafter, Kim—what, Akorad—did do, Bibhu—the great.
Rishi Sounaka asked, "Oh Suta, Vyasdeva the great and transcendentally powerful heard everything from Sri Narada Muni. So after His departure, what did he do".
In this chapter the clue for describing Srimad Bhagwatam is picked up in the matter of miraculously saving the Maharaj Parikshit in the womb of his mother. This was caused by Drouni (Aswathwama) son of Acharya Drona, who killed the five sons of Droupadi while asleep and for which he was punished by Arjuna. And before commencing the great epic literature Srimad Bhagwatam Sri Vyasdeva realised the whole truth by trance in devotion.