SB 1.6.8 (1962)
His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 8
Aham cha tad brahma kule ushibans tad apekshaya Digdesha kala abyut panna valakah pancha hayanah
Aham—I, Cha—also, Tad—her, Apekshaya—being dependant on, Tad—that, Brahmakule—in the school of the brahmins, Ushiban—lived, Digdesha—direction and country, Kala—time, Abyutpanna—having no experience, Valakah—mere a child, Pancha—five, Hayanah—years old.
I also lived in that school of the brahmins being dependant on my mother's affection while I was a mere child of five years old without any experience of the countries and different directions.