SB 1.6.37 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 37
Suta Uvacha Ebam sambhasya bhagaban narada vasavi sutam Amantrya vinam ranayan yayou yadrik icchiko muni
Suta—Suta Goswami, Uvacha—said. Ebam—thus, Sambhasya—addressing, Bhagaban—transcendentally powerful, Narada—Narad Muni, Vasavi—of the name, Sutam—son, Amantrya—inviting, Vinam—instrument, Ranayan—vibrating, Yayou—went, Yadrik—wherever, Icchako—willing, muni—sage.
Suta Goswami said, thus addressing Vyasadeva, Srila Narada Muni-took leave from him and vibrating on His instrument Veena left the spot for wondering at His free will.
Eevery living being is anxious for full freedom because that is his transcendental nature. And this freedom of life is obtained only through the transcendental service of the Lord. Illusioned by the external energy everyone thinks that he is free but actually he is bound up by the laws of nature. A conditioned soul cannot freely move from one place to another even on this earth and what to speak of one planet to another. But a full fledged free soul like Narada always engaged in the matter of chanting the Lord's glory is free to move not only on the earth but also in any part of the universe as well as in any part of the spiritual sky also. We can just imagine the extent and unlimitedness of freedom as good as that of the Supreme Lord. There is no reason or obligation for His travelling and nobody can stop Him from His freedom movement. Similarly the transcendental system of devotional service is also free. It may or may not develop in some particular person even by under going all the detailed formulas. Similarly the association of the devotee is also free. One may be fortunate to have it or one may not have it even by thousands of endeavours. Therefore, in all spheres of devotional service freedom is the main pivot. Without freedom there is no execution of devotional service. The freedom surrendered to the Lord does not mean that the devotee becomes dependant in every respect. To surrender unto the Lord through the transparent medium of spiritual master means to attain complete freedom of life.