SB 1.6.23 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 23
Satsevaya adirghaya api jata mayi dridha matih Hitwa avadyam idam lokam ganta majjantam asi.
Satsevaya—by service of the Absolute Truth, Adirghaya—for some days, Api—even, Jata—having attained, Mayi—unto Me, Dridha—firm, Matih—intelligence, Hitwa—having given up, Avadyam—deplorable, Idam—this, Lokam—material worlds, Ganta—going to, Majjanatam—My associates, Asi—become.
"By service of the Absolute Truth even for some days a devotee attains firm and fixed up intelligence unto Me. As such he goes to become My associate in the transcendental world after having given up the present deplorable material worlds".
Service of the Absolute Truth means to render service unto the Absolute Personality of Godhead under the direction of the bonafide spiritual master who is transparent via media between the Lord and the neophyte devotee. The neophyte devotee has no capacity to approach the Absolute Personality of Godhead by the strength of his present imperfect material senses and therefore under the direction of the spiritual master he is made upto such transcendental service of the Lord. And by doing so even for some days the neophyte devotee gets a fixed up intelligence in such transcendental service which leads him ultimately to get free from perpetual inhabitation in the material worlds and be promoted in the transcendental world to become one of the liberated associates of the Lord in the kingdom of God.