SB 1.6.12 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 12
Chitra dhatu Vichitra adrin iva bhagnan bhujadruman Jalasayan shiva jalan nalini surasevita chitraswanai Patrarathair vibhramad bhramarashriha.
Chtradhatu—valuable minerals like gold, silver, copper etc. Vichitra—full of variegatedness, Adrin—hills and mountains, Ivabhagnan—broken by the giant elephants, Bhuja—branches, Druman—trees, Shiva—health giving, Jalan—reservoires of water, Nalini—lotus flowers, Surasevita—aspired by the denizens of heaven, Chitraswanai—pleasing to the heart, Patrarathai—by the birds, Vibhramad—bewildering, Bhramarashriha—decorated by drones.
He passed through hills and mountains full of reservoirs of variagated minerals like gold, silver and copper. Tracts of land with reservoirs of water full of beautiful lotus flowers deserving to be used by the denizens of heaven and decorated with bewildered drones by the singing birds upon them.