SB 1.5.4 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 4
Jijnashitam adhitamcha Brahma yattat sanatanam tathapi shochasi atmanam akritartha iba prabho,
Jijnashitam—deliberated fully well, Adhitam—the knowledge obtained, Cha—and, Brahma—The Absolute, Yat—what, Tat—that, Sanatanam—eternal, Tathapi—inspite of that, Shochasi—lamenting, Atmanam—unto self, Akritartha—undone, Iba—like, Prabho—my dear sir.
You have fully deliberated upon impersonal Brahman also and the knowledge derived also. Inspite of all these why should you be dispondent thinking that your self is undone oh my sir.
The Vedenta Sutra or Brahman Sutra compiled by Sri Vyasdeva is the full deliberation of the impersonal Absolute feature and it is accepted as the most exhalted philosophical exposition in the world. It is delineated on the subject of eternity and the clues implemented there are scholarly respresented. So there cannot be any doubt about the transcendental scholarship of Vyasdeva and why it shall be like this that he shall consider himself as undone in the matter.