SB 1.5.22 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 22
Idam hi punsah tapasah shrutasya ba swistasya suktasya cha buddha dattayoh avichyut o'rthah kabibhirnirupito yad uttama sloka gunanuvarnam.
Idam—this, Hi—certainly, Punsha—of everyone, Tapasah—by dint of austerities, Shrutasya—by dint of study of the Vedas, Ba—or, Swistasya—sacrifice, Suktasya—spiritual education, Cha—and, Buddhi—culture of knowledge, Dattayo—charity, Avichyutto'-infallible, Artha—interest, Kavibhi—by the recognised learned fellow, Nirupito—concluded, Yad—what, Uttamasloka—The Lord who is described by chosen poetry, Gunanuvarnam—description of transcendental qualities of.
Learned circles recognised by all, have concluded it positively that infallible purposeful interest of advancement of knowledge namely austerities, study of the Vedas, sacrifice, chanting of the hymns or charity all culminate in the transcendental description of the Lord who is defined by chosen poetry.
Human intellect is developed for advancement of learing in the matter of art, science, philosophy, physics, chemistry, psychology, economics, politics etc. By culture of such knowledge the human society can attain perfection of life. This perfection of life culminates in the realisation of the Supreme Being Vishnu. The Shruti therefore directs that those, who are actually advanced in learning, do aspire after the service of Lord Vishnu. Unfortunately persons who are enamored by the external beauty of Vishnumaya, do not understand that culmination of perfection or self realisation is up to Vishnu. Vishnumaya means sense enjoyment which is transient and miserable. Those who are entrapped by Vishnumaya do utilise the result of advancement of knowledge in the matter of sense enjoyment. Sri Narada Muni has explained that all paraphernalia of the cosmic universe are but emanations from the Lord out of His different energies because the Lord has set in motion by His inconceivable energy, actions and reactions of the created manifestation. They have come to be out of His energy, they rest on His energy and after annihilation they merge into Him. Nothing is therefore, different from but at the same time the Lord is always different from them.
When advancement of knowledge is applied in the service of the Lord the whole thing becomes Absolute. The Personality of Godhead, His transcendental Name, Fame, Glory, etc. are all non-different from Him. Therefore, all the sages and devotees of the Lord have recommended that the subject matter of art, science, philosophy, physics, chemistry, psychology and all other branches of knowledge should be wholely and solely applied in the service of the Lord. Art literature poety painting etc. may be used in glorifying the Lord. The fiction writers poets and celebrated literators are generally engaged in the matter of sensuous subjects but if the direction is turned towards the service of the Lord they can be well utilised in describing the trancendental pastimes of the Lord. Valmiki was a great poet and similarly Vyasdeva is a great literator and both of them or many of them have absolutely engaged themselves in delineating the transcendental activities of the Lord and by doing so they have become immortal. Similarly science and philosophy also should be applied in the service of the Lord. There is no use presenting dry speculative thesis for sense gratification but philosophy and science should be engaged to establish the glory of the Lord. Advanced people are eager to understand the Absolute Truth through the medium of science and therefore a great scientist should endeavour to prove the existence of the Lord on scientific basis. Similarly philosophical speculations may be utilised for establishing the Supreme Truth as sentient and all powerful. Similarly all other branches of knowledge should always be engaged in the service of the Lord. In the Bhagwat Geeta also the same thing is affirmed. All advancement of knowledge without being engaged in the service of the Lord are different branches of nescience. Real utilisation of advanced knowledge is to establish the glories of the Lord and that is the real import of them. Scientific knowledge engaged in the service of the Lord, artistic sense engaged in the service of the Lord, philosophical thesis engaged in the service of the Lord, physical laws engaged in the service of the Lord, chemical combination engaged in the service of the Lord and all similar activities are all factually 'Harikirtan' or glorification of the Lord. </div