SB 1.4.8 (1962)
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
TEXT No. 8
Sa godahanmatram hi grihesu grihamedhinam Avekshate mahabhagah tirthi kurvan tadashramam.
Sa—he (Sukdev Goswami), godahanmatram—only for the time of milking the cow, hi—certainly, grihesu—in the house of, grihamedhinum—of the householders, avekshate—waits, mahabhagah—the most fortunate, tirthi—pilgrimage, kurvan—transforming, tadashramam—the residence.
He is accustomed to stay at the door of the householder only for the time of milking the cow just to sanctify such residence.
Sukdeva Goswami met the Emperor Parikshit and explained before him the text of Srimad Bhagwatam. He is not accustomed to stay at any householder's residence for more than half an hour at the time of milking the cow just to take alms from such fortunate householder. That was also for the purpose of sanctifying the residence by His auspicious presence. Therefore Sukdev Goswami is an ideal preacher and established in the transcendental position. From His activities those, who are in the renounced order of life and dedicated to the mission of preaching the message of Godhead, should learn that such persons have no business with the householders save and except to enlighten them in transcendental knowledge. Such missionary's asking for alms from the householder should be for the purpose of sanctifying the place. One who is in the renounced order of life may not be allured by the glamour of the householder's worldy possessions and thus become subservient of such a worldly man. This degraded position of one, who is in the renounced order of life, is much more dangerous than drinking poison and commit suicide.